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     It was days later that she finally broke me. She'd kept me in the room, torturing me the ways she had Riley. It was hard on Riley too, seeing what Indigo was doing to me. She was the only who could share as Indigo plagued my mind with visions. I was jolted into attention by the other me.

"Good morning, sunshine. I've got a great day planned for you!" She laughed. I tried to freeze her, but she knew my tricks. She just kept walking, pushing me against the wall. My will to fight had really disappeared days ago. What she'd show me... no, I refused to think about any of it.  She messed with my premonition abilities, making it so I could see whatever horrific scene from my future that she wanted me to. It was the worst thing she could have possibly done to me. She grabbed my chin and yanked it up.

"Look at me, maggot," she shouted. I did my best to set her off, but every time she hurt me, I would just bounce back to me healed form. That's why I was broken: everything healed except, of course, the emotional damage. I couldn't unsee what she'd shown me. It was worse to know what the future held. What she'd told me I had to do... no, no, no! I wouldn't ever do that, not unless everyone else would die. I kept my head down.

    "I said, look at me!" She pulled away when I still refused her order. Suddenly something in me clicked, knowing that I'd had just about enough of her over the past few days. I was so close to just attacking her now, anger bubbling just below the surface of my skin. I tried to do everything I could to annoy her, and it seemed to work.

    "Fine," she huffed, "I don't know what that idiot Lucas sees in you anyways." That was it. I was done.

    "Riley, look away," I commanded. I didn't want her to see what I was about to do; she'd already been through enough. I stood up shakily before steadying myself and regaining my confidence. I pushed all of the other thoughts out of my head, one goal in mind: get rid of her.

    "Wait, what're you-" her eyes grew wide as she began.

    "Taking my life back," My eyes began to reignite with life. Her face paled as I hit her with everything I had. I held her in the air and did what I'd what I'd wondered about for so long: struck her with lightning. She crumpled to the ground, but didn't heal immediately like I had been. She rolled over as I nudged her with my toe.

    "I don't care if you escape," she laughed, "Because I know what you don't: the barrier I your head is broken now."

    I stopped in my tracks out the door, "What?"

    "I could come back with just a little work," she pinched her fingers close to one another to show me, "And after that, Indigo, I will slaughter everyone you care about. Except your parents, of course, they're already gone." My fists clenched together.

    "You're lying." I accused her, but she just looked at me sincerely.

    "Why would I? There isn't any reason for me to. Just ask Erin. She killed them in cold blood, for fun." I left her on the floor-knowing she was right- but stopped with one foot out the door at her last remark:

     "It doesn't matter what you think, because I'm coming back, not you, and there isn't anything you can do about it."

That stuck with me. My escape from her was quick, but my running was even faster. I couldn't let her catch me, I needed to get back into my body before she did. I sped through the hallways back into the lobby, where I spotted Lucas walking away into the long term rooms. I could easily keep up with his injured leg. I kept following him, staring down at his feet and almost running into him as he stopped in front of a door. He took a deep breath before pushing the tan wood forward. I stayed right behind him as he made his way to the plush chair next to my bed. Taking a seat, he reached for my body's hand and held it in his.

"Hey," He looked down at my face, "I'm back, again. Josiah keeps telling me to get some rest- so do the others- but they don't get it, do they? I mean, I can't just leave you here all alone." It suddenly dawned on me that he'd barely left my side ever since they let him in. No one had ever really cared that much about me before. I moved to the opposite side of the bed and stared into his eyes, ignoring the body between us and imagining his words were directed up at me, not it.

"I wish you'd just wake up already," he sighed. I poured every bit of my longing for him into my next words.

"Me too." A tear slipped down my cheek, and for the first time since I'd woken up, my world went dark.

The beeping on the heart monitor sped up as my eyes flew open. I turned my head to where I knew Lucas was sitting. As he realized that I was awake, his face filled with a mixture of shock and relief.

"Indigo! I-" I silenced his rambling with a kiss. By the time I pulled back, I was lightheaded, and there were doctors in the room to check on me now that I was awake.

"Sir, can you leave us for just a moment?" One of the men asked, demolishing our moment. Lucas unwillingly got up and hobbled out the doors to get the others, I assumed. The doctors put me through a half hour of sets and questions that I made up answers to. I didn't want to have to stay in the psychiatric ward with that poor girl Riley for babbling about the other version of myself. I'd never liked hospitals or doctors, but none of that really mattered to me right now. I was alive and with the person who loved me. The others came in as soon as the doctors would let them and didn't leave until visiting hours were over.

I smiled. Everything was better, and I was scheduled to be released in a few days. At least most everything was better.

I didn't tell anyone, of course, but she was still here at night, sitting by my bed and telling me, "Don't you worry, I'll be back.

Thanks for reading another chapter!

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