21 2 3

People say that when they're about to die, their life flashes before their eyes. In reality, it just seems to be a mess of colors and terror surrounding you until it fades to gray with you.

I felt like I was falling in slow motion, my sight blurred by the dark clouds. As I finally hit the ground, the building around me dissolved brick by brick and all light left my world.
My eyes flickered open, but I couldn't see, like something was closed over my muddy green irises. I blinked a few times and it retreated to show five worried faces hovering over me.

"W-What happened?" I breathed, sitting up. Alan and Lucas held me up by my back.

"We don't know. Midnight ran up behind you, injected you with some yellow thing... You just passed out and-" Lucas began.

"Hold up," Portia interrupted, her eyes wide. I noticed she was sitting the farthest from me.

"Portia, what's wrong?" I tested.

"Are you all delusional? Do you even understand what just happened?" She stood up.

"What? Portia, are you alright? What's happened?" I spoke, scared. Everyone but Lucas stood up with Portia and eyed me, clearly terrified.

"You're right. We need to be careful. There's no way to know what's going on in Indigo's head right now." Alan, the one who was always on my side, argued.

"Guys, what's going on?" I scowled. They were turning against me! I couldn't believe this, I was in charge here. No, what was I saying? They still cared about me, I'd obviously done something to scare them. But nonetheless, they weren't on my side.

"Tell me now," A voice laced with cruelty that I didn't know I had came out of my lips, surprising all of us.
Lucas gradually was the first to speak.

"I-Indigo, when you opened your eyes..." He looked around, as if asking the others for permission.

"Go on," I urged.

"It's just, well, they were solid blue."

In that moment, the hatred in me that has been building for the Amethysts took over. I remembered what Midnight had said, that I'd feel differently about him when I woke up. I wondered if this was what he'd meant.

One moment, I was looking at friends, the next, I was surrounded by enemies. One second, I hated Midnight absolutely, the next, I was thanking him for making me what I was.

My entire life changed in those few seconds. I realized just how wrong the Humanity was. They'd encapsulated my power for their own use, how did I ever stand them? Who were they to judge if Midnight was evil or not?

"Woah, woah, woah." Robin regarded my now hateful and solemn expression. "What's happening? What are you doing, Indigo?" I broke free of Lucas's arm around me and let me eyes go dark, embracing the feeling the blue brought with it.

"What I should have done a long time ago," I smirked, grabbing Robin and Portia by the arm just like my dream had instructed me to do.

"Indigo! What's happening?" Alan yelled. The girls struggled against my grip as the others ran after me and tried to stop me. Portia changed into a black swallow, trying to fly away from me, but I froze her and she fell back into my grip as a human. I actually laughed at their failed attempts, a sound that echoed darkly thought the building. I froze the boys in their tracks, letting the extent of my powers take over.

"You know," I began, absentmindedly opening a portal of sorts behind me that I shoved the girls into before closing.

"As much as you've all restrained me, I do in fact care about you," I shook the building's foundation, causing dust to rain from the ceiling. I unfroze the boys, allowing them to run again. I guess I still had a bit of caring left in me.

"And these walls aren't going to stand much longer." I opened my portal again, getting halfway through before hearing an exasperated "No!" from the other side. Something made me hesitate, maybe it was the absolute caring in his voice.

"Lucas," I knew this would be the last thing I said to him,"Get out of here before you die." My fingers twitched and the portal closed behind me.

I arrived in the dark room Erin had been torturing my parents in. Midnight stood in front of beat-up versions of Sophie, Zachariah, Erin, and Brayden, who were holding Portia and Robin tightly. Both girls strained against the Hound's fierce grips.

"Indigo, what-"Robin started.

"Shh," I commanded, "Who gave you permission to speak?" Portia looked defeated, and seemed to be talking to herself.

"Told them we should've run. No one listened. I told them we shouldn't trust her anymore."

I ignored Portia's delusional rantings and turned to the newest task in front of me.

"Where are we?" I asked Midnight.

"Pierce County Jail. Tacoma, Washington," Midnight stood with his shoulders back, like he was the king of everything, which maybe he would be one day with my help. I took in my surroundings.

"Nice place," I gestured to the girls. "Put them somewhere, preferably one of the larger cells." Midnight looked at me skeptically.

"May I ask why, love?"

"No questions at the moment, if you'd be so kind."

"Do it," he ordered Sophie and Zachariah. Upon instruction, they scurried like good little dogs and rallied Portia and Robin out of the rom quickly to who knows where -hopefully what I'd asked for.

"Leave," I addressed Brayden and Erin. They didn't seem to get the message, for neither of them moved.

"Yes, you two. Stupid," I sighed. They left, allowing me to speak with Midnight alone.

"How did I never see it before?" I asked , to no one in particular. Midnight's usually sure and steadfast face grew puzzled.

"See what, my dear? Is something troubling you?"

"No, no , no. How did I never see before that you, not those prissy Humanity workers," I scrunched up my nose at the though of them.

"You are the only one that I can ever help."



Hey guys! Hope you enjoy the chapter! Anyways, for the time being, AJ out!


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