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Of course, that was when the others decided to show up.

"Well look at you two," Robin smirked at us. I smiled, my eyes still closed, into Lucas's lips before pulling away, both of us blushing profusely. I pushed a stray lock of hair behind my ear. I knew what the others were thinking, but I was so happy there was no room for any other emotions. That may have been what my brain was thinking, but all the same, my mouth was frozen in a bashful smile.

"Darn," Alan broke in between us, "I thought I was gonna get to do that first," I would've just looked away a month ago, but now I knew Alan. He could probably get any girl he wanted. This latest comment was just his intrusive personality coming through.

"Oh, sure, Alan," I rolled my eyes at him. He just laughed and turned away.

"So we gonna go back or what, Indy?" Alan called over his shoulder.

Lucas grinned at me. "We'd better catch up with him, then," I looked up at him and nodded, too lovestruck for words.

We chased after him down the hill, trying desperately to catch up. As soon as we got back to the motel, Portia obsessed over me until I was threatening to smack her, but still cracking up at the ridiculousness of our situation. She and Robin were still giggling, and I laughing, when we finally got to bed.

The next day, Robin seemed just as obsessive as Portia had the night before. They both pushed me out the door to go shopping for a dress, since I didn't actually own any of my own. Honestly, they seemed just as-if not more- excited as I was about this whole Lucas thing. They dragged me through the shops until I finally decided on a royal blue v-neck that went down to my mid arm and just more than halfway down my thighs. I convinced the girls to just let me wear my black flats with it, and they caved after a while.

That night, Lucas and I were practically shoved out the door together into a small Italian restaurant with a gorgeous view of the entire city below the mountain. The town was lit up underneath us.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Lucas was sitting here with me, but his gaze told me that his mind was far off, like the lights beneath, shining like little stars in the darkness. I reached across the table and took his hand.

"Yes." Honestly, how long had it been since I'd been on a real date? I don't know, but this felt more real than anything. More real than Midnight or The Humanity. If I could, I would stay in that moment forever, just happiness, not worrying about anything. That was the best night I'd had in a long time, and would be the best night I would have for a while. It was October fifteenth that day. The last day of sunshine.


I went to bed not worrying about anything, still coming down from the high I'd been on earlier. I'd probably fallen asleep grinning again. Now, however, it was time to come back to reality. D-Day was tomorrow as far as we knew. Every time my eyes turned purple, it reminded me who I was saving, that saving them was possible. Even so, doubt came naturally to me.

I could barely sleep that night, my sleep was plagued with all the worst possible outcomes for the next day. I woke up early: 4:27. I almost laughed, remembering how early I'd woken up the day that this all began. Why had my brain been so excited to wake up for the first step into my new life? I sighed and tried to return to sleep, but we'd agreed to wake up at five anyway, so it was pretty pointless. When we were all up, I saw all of their usually cheerful faces sunken in gloom.

Eventually, we all gathered around a table, reviewing what small of a plan we actually had at the moment. Honestly, we had no idea what to expect, so we weren't really prepared for all the possibilities. All of us stared down at the tablecloth.

"So... When do we go?" Robin whispered.

Now seems like a good time as any. Josiah signed. I nodded.

"You're right," I answered, but none of us moved to get up. Lucas grabbed my hand from across the table.

"Indigo?" I looked up at him, tears in my eyes.

"Why?" I asked. He pulled me out of my chair a took me into a tight hug.

"I guess this is just the way it is. Come on, guys. Let's do this. It's no use hiding from something that's inevitable," We nodded.

Minutes later, we were pulling up at the fire station. My knees bounced nervously on the floor of the car as the others got out. What had looked like a cheery, red building earlier now loomed overhead. The station seemed to scour through all of our minds, bringing back our worst memories and drilling fear directly into our hearts.

We walked up the cobblestone path. I stopped momentarily and kissed the only person who felt right at the moment. after pulling away, I saw an odd look on his face, like he was surprised.

"For good luck," I explained. He smiled at me, before taking my hand and walking me to what was likely going to be all of our deaths. The doors opened on their own just like the dream, egging us on, daring us to come closer. The others stared on, no doubt being infected by the dark aura resonating out of the building. I took a step closer, repeating one thing in my head.

I will save you. I promise. I will save you. I promise.


Hey guys!

Sorry if this update came a little late, I just started school and I already have loads of homework.

Thank you guys for all the reads and shoutout to HBawesome123456789 !

They've been really nice and supportive lately, so thanks a ton to them!! See you guys soon hopefully. Don't forget to comment and vote, I do read and respond to all comments, even if it takes me a while. Well, bye guys!


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