Chapter 22

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"Something doesn't feel right here anymore, sir," I whispered to Mr. Weasley as I placed his morning coffee beside him. I took my usual seat and sipped my coffee, "I think there's something bad happening around here."

"Well, you know what to do Kayley. If you have problems remember what I told you," Mr. Weasley smiled at me.

"Right, um...that stack of folders please."

He handed me folders filled with papers and I was off, lately something wasn't feeling right at the Ministry. I noticed a fair amount of new people here...people worth watching. I walked to the lifts to see Yaxley, I jumped in beside him and smiled, it was my lucky day.

"Sir! Glad I caught you, do you have a minute to spare at all?" I said breathlessly.

He studied me for a moment and nodded once, "what about?"

"Well, I'm shadowing here and I just really want to learn about each department head and know what each department truly does so that when I finish school I have a better grasp on where I want to go in the Ministry," I grinned. Today I wasn't blonde, I had jet black hair that was cut to my shoulders in curls, I loved magic.

"Right...well, follow me to my office then," he nodded.

I grinned, I'd been here for almost three weeks, gathering information--not much, but just weird things here or there. I'd tried multiple times to get into Yaxley's office, but he had protective spells on it...But today was the day I'd get access and hopefully information! I followed him out of the lifts and to his office, once inside he motioned me into a chair

"Right, well. Let me think of where to begin," he said.

"Yaxley, there's a situation upstairs that needs your attention." Kingsley appeared at the door, "something about the Minister."

Yaxley began to stammer, "why yes...of course. Be there in a moment. Can you just sit here for a few minutes?" He turned to me.

"Not a problem, sir."

He got up and followed Kingsley who gave me a look that said get to work. Which I quickly did. I pulled out all the folders in his desk drawers and began to read over them. Then I stopped when I found a stack of freshly made folders--no creases and rather stiff with that smell folders had when unwrapped from their packages.

When I opened them I found pictures of different Ministry workers. Possible Order members.

Of Aunt Marcy.

I stopped on hers, the file discussed blood type, family status, and activities.

'Possible member of the Order of the Phoneix?' I whispered slightly confused.

My heart stopped when I read the next line.

'Tortured for information, later killed.'

I dropped the folder, my blood running cold. It hadn't been a mistake that she was taken. I looked at my watch, and hurried through the other folders, they were all files on members of the Order of the Phoenix-or probable, as the files indicated. I looked over my shoulder, putting everything back the way I found it, attempting to control my emotions as I sat there.

But I couldn't, I was ready to kill, instead of waiting around I took out one of the surveillance bugs I had bought at a muggle thrift shop and placed it somewhere in the office where no one would find it. I took my wig off, stuffing it in my bra as I walked out of the office and hurried to the lifts. When I got back Mr. Weasley looked surprised.

"They thought my aunt was part of the Order...they kidnapped her and murdered her for information," I stammered.

Mr. Weasley got to his feet and hugged me tightly, I was furious as I sobbed, I wanted my revenge now.

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