chapter 11

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I had to spy on Slytherins, of course! If the Order was about stopping the Dark Lord, why not send someone in to spy on the people who will likely have ties to him? I should have seen this coming but I didn't, because I was too happy to have been honored with a task. Why can't Snape do it himself? He's the head of house for Godric's sake! 

"are you still willing to proceed?" McGonagall asked, an uncertainty to her voice. She knew my relation to Draco, almost everyone did.

"I can do it," I nodded. But inside I was screaming and my arms were beginning to prick as the feeling of anxiety threatened to engulf me.

"Then it's settled, you may go to bed."

I nodded before walking off, low to my surprise, there stood Draco Malfoy beside the steps.

"when I didn't hear from you, I assumed you died," Draco stated as a greeting.

"Were you worried?" I couldn't help but notice his complexion was paler than usual.

Draco shrugged which confirmed it before we began to walk, we were quiet until I wanted to say something but Draco pushed me hard into a nearby wall.

"I want you to pay very close attention Kayley," his eyes were frantic, his palm pressing firmly into my clavicle. "I have something that needs a lot of work and I want you to stay far away from me." he took a shaky breath, "I can't afford to have you get hurt from my actions, I need you to stay far from me. Do you understand that?"

I nodded slowly, "Draco...what have you gotten yourself into?"

Drake laughed slightly, "if I could tell you, I would." his eyes were filled with such regret my heart shattered, "please forgive me for everything that may happen."

I nodded, I needed to keep a close eye on Draco...if not for the Order than for the fact that he was my best friend.

"Still have our meetings in the library?" I asked as Draco let go of me with shaky hands. 

"No," Draco said flatly. 

I frowned, "but-" 

"Kayley listen to me!" Draco roared. 

I glared, "we both know how well that works out." 

Draco's look was horrifying as we approached the steps that led to Gryffindor tower. "I can't allow you to get hurt, just please, stay far away from me. I don't want to see you near me for the rest of the year." 

"I can't do that." Honestly, I couldn't.

"You're going to or else! I can't protect you, I'm warning you here and now. Stay away." He was shaking, the aura surrounding him was terrifying. 

"Alright, I promise, Draco," I whispered. 

Draco pulled me into his chest, basically crushing me in his arms as he held me tight, I noticed his body shake slightly before he pulled away. "I'm doing this for your own good, I won't be able to live with myself if you got hurt because of me." 

I nodded as he walked away, I waited until he was down a flight of stairs before turning to my common room and walking through the throng of excited students to my dormitory. Lavender and Pavarti sat on their bed talking to each other as I entered. They regarded me with cold looks, we never got on well and when they became boy crazy like all other girls and their immediate targets happened to be Fred and George Weasley...well, I'm not on very good terms with any girls. 

"Pavarti, Lavender. Nice summers?" I tried being polite. 

They nodded, "yours any good?" Pavarti asked politely. 

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