Chapter 32

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"Why would they want me?" I asked George two days after finding that I was wanted. 

"Because you're too beautiful," George nuzzled my neck affectionately as I glared at him. "Kayley, I'm wanted too. My entire family is, but we're safe and sound here, I promise," George tried to reassure me. 

I leaned into his chest as he shifted his legs underneath me, "am I too heavy?" I asked, slightly lifting myself off his legs so that he was comfortable. 

George frowned and pressed me back on his lap, kissing my cheek before leaning against the leg of my bed, "you're perfect, Kay." 

"I just...I don't understand--" 

"Were your parents ever around members of the Order?" George asked. 

"My father wrote some pretty terrible things when the first war was occurring," I muttered with a shrug. "They were both members...."

George tapped my nose, "must be it then. Just stop thinking about it, Kayley. We're safe here so long as we have protective spells up." 

"Is Fred alright?" I asked promptly, he'd been acting weird ever since George returned from his mission which did involve going to Romania to see his brother Charlie. I was worried about him...lately Fred strayed from the two of us a lot more than he use to. 

George shrugged, "when you lose such a girl like tends to hurt a bit, but he'll be alright," he kissed me gently. 

I frowned, "I don't mean to hurt him," I whispered. 

George's arms tightened around my waist, his head resting on my shoulder, "he knows that. Things will be fine soon, I promise." 

I nodded slightly before getting up from George's lap, George rolled his eyes, "going to go talk to him then?" I grinned innocently, kissing his cheek before walking off. 

I found Fred in the kitchen, eating a plate of cookies, he looked up and offered me one as I sat beside him. 

"Are you avoiding George and me together because you can't take it?" I said bluntly. 

 Fred shrugged, "I'm happy for you two," he bit into another cookie, "I've just been helping Lee with Potterwatch, and I wanted to give you two your space." 

I hugged him tightly, "well stop that, I want it to be the three of us like always." 

Fred chuckled slightly and nodded, "whatever you want, poppet." 


"Think there'll be a war soon?" Fred mused, we were walking around the safe house while Kingsley spoke with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. 

"Isn't that obvious?" I asked back.

George nodded, "we're heading for a fight....who knows when though." 

"It has to be soon," I looked up as the sun began to set. It was spring now, my favorite time of year. But even smelling the first daisies of spring wasn't enough to make me feel at ease. Things were heating up now. 

More wanted signs in the Prophet, more of the chills that only dementors brought occurred more often than I cared to admit. The list of missing and dead was growing every time we made a report on Potterwatch. 

The only way I smiled was looking up at George, at least we had each other during this. "We should do another Potterwatch tonight," I suggested. 

"It's...Lee and mine's turn," Fred nodded, "want to help write it out?" I nodded, turning back to the house and heading to the garage to begin working. 

I had stepped out of my shower, a towel secured around my body as I dripped water all the way to my small room where I jumped back and clutched my heart. George sat on my bed, reading through a small book. My heart dropped when I realized it was my private diary. 

"George, stop reading whatever it is you're reading," I ordered sternly. 

George looked up, smirking slightly, "I knew you went on a date with Smith. Freddie didn't believe me when I spotted you two walking around together," he commented. 

"So what if I did?" I crossed my arms over my chest, then I looked down at myself. I was still in my towel. 

"Did he kiss you?" George raised an eyebrow. I shrugged, not wanting to have this conversation, "ah. Don't worry, I can read about it. Huh. No? What a gentlemen....must've been scared." 

I rolled my eyes, grabbing one of George's shirts and a pair of sweatpants, "you stopped taking that medicine, right?" George asked quietly. 

I looked back up at him, he was studying me closely, frowning as I took my time answering. 

"Yes, I stopped," I confirmed before going to sit beside him. 

He shifted and soon I was in his arms, "you poor thing." I smiled slightly before slapping at his arms harshly. 

"Oi! What's going on?!" He protested. 

"This is for reading my diary! That's completely private," I said as I slapped away. 

George chuckled, his arms pulling me in close so that I had no use of my arms, I could only glare at him and hope that burned a hole in his face. "I got curious," he smiled. 

"there's a saying: curiosity killed the cat," I growled. 

George's fingers went through my damp hair and I sighed as he tried to calm me, "forgive the poor cat." 

I glared slightly but nodded, moving so there was no gap between us, George suddenly pulled away as if he were hurt. He gazed at me curiously, "how're you feeling?" 

"I'm fine, Georgie," I furrowed my eyebrows. 

"I want to move as slowly as you do," he smiled comfortingly. 

I smiled and kissed him, when I pulled away he was frowning. "What? Am I a bad kisser?" 

"Never think that," George snorted, "its late is all." 

I sighed, "let me guess, you aren't done chatting," he nodded excitedly, I laughed, "I suppose...if you wound up sleeping here tonight...I wouldn't blame you." 

He grinned, clutching me tighter to his chest, "besides, you'd feel safer if I were holding you all night. Admit it." 

I felt my face heat up instantly, George's grin turned to a smirk before he leaned forward and kissed me. "I'd never admit that in a million years," I muttered against his lips which was received with a laugh. 

"One day you will," George whispered. 

In the morning I awoke and found George lying beside me, his arms still wrapped protectively around me as he snored. I smiled, kissing the tip of his nose before slipping from his grasp and making my way to the bathroom where I brushed my teeth. 

Once back in the room, I looked at the date and time my watch reflected for me. Today was the twenty fifth of April now, which meant two things: today was the four month anniversary and time had flown by swiftly without me even noticing it. I crawled back into bed, George's arms automatically returning to their original positions. 

"mmmh, did you brush your teeth?" George mumbled in his sleep as he opened one eye to study me. 

"Yes, sorry," I smiled. 

George kissed me, licking his lips when he pulled away, "I like mint," he smiled. "Happy four month anniversary, my sweet." 

I moved my nose closer to his and grinned, "shocking isn't it?"

George's fingers played with the bottom of my hair as he nodded, "very. But I wouldn't trade a second we've shared together for anything in the world." 

 My breathing hitched slightly as my face heated up brightly, "I feel exactly the same," I stuttered very slightly. 

George grinned, "I've always loved when you stutter, its adorable." I wrinkled my nose slightly and shook my head, closing my eyes and trying to fall back asleep. 

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