Chapter 12

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Did you honestly think you could just send over Harry's owl with a letter

apologizing and that things would get better or go back to normal? Well forget it,

sorry won't give us back our sleepless nights and fix everything that's happened to us during your little adventure.

You don't understand the hell we've been through while you disappeared. 

We were worried about you, we thought something happened on the platform, 

we thought you'd been kidnapped! How could you cause us so much pain?

You were gone for months, without a word to anyone! and when you finally said something

it was simply a gift for Harry and then nothing again. We thought

we were closer than that, Kay. We thought that we were best friends.

But you're just a selfish girl, Kayley. Always thinking about yourself before others. 

Especially others who have feelings for you. But you don't care.

Did you think about what was happening to us when we got all of our letters sent back?

Did you bother to think at all about what you were doing to us?

 Don't bother writing back, we're done with you.

 Don't come to the shop either, we don't want your business.

We don't want to see your face, ever again.


A foolish git 

"What's it say?" Hermione asked from across the table. 

"Oh um...." lie, lie, lie! "Ron was right. They did forgive me," I smiled. 

Ron thumped me on the back, "I told you!" Harry and Hermione knew better though, Harry looked at me over his glasses, giving me a look that told me he knew better.

I gave a small nod before pushing my breakfast away, "I'm not hungry...I'll see you later." 

The trio looked worried but nodded before I left the Great Hall, I'd half expected a letter like that, what I didn't expect was to see tear marks soaking through the parchment itself. I wonder which one wrote it, or if both wrote it. I read over the letter again, my heart ripping into a thousand pieces as I kept rereading the messy writing that I missed. I walked through the halls, not picking a particular place to go. 

It's been a week since I sent them my apology....I sighed, feeling more alone than ever before. The twins had always been my support, that they were gone, I felt scared and vulnerable. But if I showed how vulnerable I was...sharks would swarm.

The rest of the day went as a blur and soon it was time to scout out the Slytherin common room again, this time I would walk around. See if I can find anything. I was a floor above the dungeons and seeing as there were no people around I pointed my wand at myself and quickly placed my wand in my pocket before I was completely transformed into a cat. 

It didn't take long for one of the Greengass twins to find me, they let me right in and I quickly dashed under a couch. 

"Hey! Come back you!" one of them was squealing as I curled away from her. 

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