Chapter 34

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When we stepped into the room, it was fairly packed with old members of Dumbledore's Army who quieted when the portrait opened for another time. 

"Don't you think your mum will murder you for sneaking Ginny with us?" I whispered to George. 

"Gin can fight, and we can protect her," George nodded. 

I took his hand, after getting the message we'd gone to the Order members who were hanging about the safe house and informed them of what was possibly going to happen. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley went off to get Bill and Fleur while George, Fred, and I apparated to Hogsmeade, but of course Ginny had heard when she passed by the kitchen so we had to take her. 

"Besides, mum will murder us for another reason soon enough," Fred shrugged. "Aberforth's getting a bit annoyed, Neville," when several shouted at our arrival. "Not too happy his place is like King's Cross out there."

I nodded as I jumped to the floor, I felt my hands pulled forward into a tight hug, the air left my lungs quickly and I gasped to breath as Seamus released me. 

"Seamus," I grinned, he looked completely horrible, what the bloody hell had happened? 

"Finnigan," George's voice was like a low growl behind me, I closed my eyes, not wanting to even picture his face as he stared down Seamus. 

But I didn't have to imagine it, Seamus' face reflected slight panic as he quickly stepped away from me. I turned on George, his face was soft as he smiled innocently at me, but I had seen it. The look he had been giving Seamus, it was a deadly one that threatened destruction, Fred was purposely turning away from us. 

"Fred, George!" Oliver Wood appeared, not feeling the tension. The second George's eyes left mine I pushed Seamus away from the danger and forced him over to Dean. 

"I'm going to guess that you're with George," Seamus looked at me expectantly, I nodded which made him grin. "Dean, pay up." 

" had a bet...on my love life?" I questioned. 

Seamus and Dean looked at each other not knowing what to say, Dean slightly tilted to his head to Seamus who averted his gaze. 

"On second thought. I'm going to get George," I raised an eyebrow and turned around. 

"Alright! Alright! We had a slight bet....But that was made months ago!" Seamus grabbed my wrist. 

I smirked, "so what exactly is going on here?" 

"We're heading for a fight," Seamus nodded. "Potter just left with Luna to go to the Ravenclaw common room and look at something," he shrugged. 

I looked around, noticing how much fuller the room was compared to earlier, all of the Order was present which meant that word had spread. I felt my heart skip a few beats as I looked around, I'd had made myself sick over the thought of fighting and losing people and now here we were...getting ready for battle. I waved off Seamus and Dean and ran into George's side. Burrowing my face into his ribs as he talked with Angelina and Oliver, George's arms wrapped around me securely and out of the corner of my eye I noticed Angelina's face was one of jealousy. 

"Harry, what exactly is going on?" I heard Lupin's voice float toward us. 

Looking up I saw Harry conversing with Lupin, all students falling silent. 

"We're fighting," was all I heard Harry say before cheers were sounded around the room before people began to leave. 

"I'm fighting and that's final!" Ginny was protesting to her mother who was demanding she go back home. "I'm in Dumbledore's Army!" 

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