Chapter 13

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Slughorn's dinner parties were very interesting, add the part where three of your friends who were in attendance weren't speaking with you and was bloody wicked.

"So Miss Granger, what do your parents do?" Slughorn asked Hermione from across the circular table.

"Oh um...they're dentists...." everyone paused, seeming not to know what she was talking about. "They clean people's teeth."

"Oh is that a dangerous profession?"

"Well no....although one time a boy's braces got locked onto mine..."

I smiled into my dessert as the door opened and Ginny appeared, I didn't bother looking up as she sat besides me.

"Miss Sorrin, how is your father doing with retirement from the paper?"

I could feel glares on me as I looked up, Harry and Hermione looked pissed while Ginny tried to hide her smug look. Waiting for me to get out of this one.

"Well...actually...he passed away," I said very quietly. But even saying it, it sounded so loud in the silent room.

"That's very shocking," Slughorn spluttered.

I nodded into my dessert, noticing Ginny deflate slightly. "I'm surprised the paper didn't do a tribute to honor him."

"I requested them not to, I wanted to keep the matter as private as possible." Which was true, I did request that when he actually died. I didn't want the news to spread and have everyone know about my life.

"I understand my dear girl, well! I dearsay that it's well pass curfew! Off to bed the lot of you," Slughorn said as he tried to change the mood.

I quickly got up, fixing my dress as I went before following everyone else out. "You got off lucky," Ginny muttered.

"Must be my lucky day," I whispered as we continued to walk.

"I heard you visited the twins..." She grabbed my arm, her hard gaze gone as she looked at me like we were best friends--like I didn't tick her off. "I'm sorry....if you had tol--"

I shook my head, "no one was really speaking to me and I brought it on myself...."

"You didn't deserve that!" Ginny retorted.

"Come on Gin...I did," I began to walk away. "So why the constant fighting with Dean?" I asked.

"It's nothing..." she muttered.

I shrugged, "you may forget but I am your friend. You can confide in me if you need to."

Ginny nodded as we ascended the stairs, "listen to your own advice first, Kayley."

"I need to go.... I'll message when I need you," I nodded, noticing the Greengrass twins pass me. I quickly slunk behind a statue and changed, nudging my wand to Ginny's feet before she fixed my bow and I was off for the usual prowl.

Tonight I wasn't going to the Slytherin common room, I was in search of Draco. I had a guess as to where he'd be....

It wasn't long until I found him on the seventh floor, sobbing. I ran towards him and meowed as loud as possible, rubbing against his legs as if to comfort him.

"Hello my little friend," he chuckled as he wiped his eyes. "Why do you always follow me?"

I purred loudly as he picked me up, we sat against the wall beside a nearby window, he didn't speak as he tried to stop the tears.

"Can I confide in you?" he whispered as he gave a sad laugh, "of course I can...."


He gave a sad smile, " the truth is, I'm an awful human being..." he whispered.

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