Chapter 28

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I was being shaken awake, I growled as I looked around. Draco was above me shaking my entire body. I went to yawn and stretch then saw my paws...I looked up at him as he smirked. 

"Time to go," Draco smiled. 

I shook my head, lately we've tried several different escape tactics but never once did they work. I felt him pick me up in his arms, I yowled protests but Draco didn't listen as he muffled my noises and carefully walked out of the room and down the hall, clutching me tight as we hurried down the stairs. 

Draco pulled his cloak around us tighter before looking at the bars of the steel gate as they approached it, once Draco had worried that he could not slip through them, but since he no longer found that he was hungry he didn't have to worry. No one was patrolling, everyone was at the meeting on the opposite side of the house, away from the windows that faced the gates. We were safe to leave. 

Draco quickly turned from the gate and began running the length of the wall, I looked up at him slightly confused as we continued running. When we stopped we were at a corner of the wall, before were hedges but I noticed a small hole between the branches. Draco quickly went through and we were on the other side of the gate, Draco let out a small victory laugh before we continued running. 

When he placed me down he was heaving heavily and he clutched his chest as he lifted his wand at me and I turned to myself. Draco shrugged off his rucksack from underneath his cloak and tossed it to my feet. 

"Apparate to this location and stay there for an hour," Draco instructed as he tossed a paper at my chest. 

"What's going on?" I whispered. 

Draco shook his head, "go. Just go now, and send a patronus when you're safe." 

"What's going on?" I demanded. 

"I'm saving you, now you'll be met with someone, if they don't show in two hours I want you to start running understand?" Draco spoke quickly. 

I nodded once, " this why its taken so long?" 

"That hole took a month to make without being noticed and the person you're meeting wasn't too cooperative to start with but after I explained they came round. I'm sorry its taken so very long." 

I hugged him very tightly and smiled, "you're fantastic." 

"Get out of here now," Draco ordered. 

I nodded and promptly started running away, deeper into the surrounding trees before looking at the note in my hands, I mesmerized the address and apparated promptly. 

I was standing beside a coffee shop that was just now emptying out for the night, across the street was a busy bar as I slunk into the shadows, holding my bag tightly to me. It was busy around here, which was perfect for trying to remain hidden, I smiled slightly, Draco had saved far. I wondered who was the one he was talking about. I leaned against the building behind me as I waited, I looked at my watch it was eight in the evening. I sighed as I looked around, watching the people go on about their business without a care in the wold. Did they not know what was happening in the world? I must be around muggles...which would make much more sense about this location.

 I sat in the shadows and waited, checking the time every few minutes, the lighting killed any chance to stargaze as I waited. I started chewing on my nails to kill the time. 

"Can I buy the pretty girl a drink?" 

My attention snapped up and I was looking into the smiling eyes of Fred Weasley, he held out his hand for me but I jumped up and clung to him like never before. He chuckled ever so slightly, hugging me back just as tightly. 

"Fred, is that really you?" I whispered. 

Fred stepped back, "go on. Ask me a question," he smiled. 

I bit down hard on my lip, "what's my favorite ice cream topping?" If it was truly him, only he would know, not even George knew. 

"Butterscotch chips and marshmallows," Fred smirked. 

I hugged him again and smiled into his chest, "why're you here?" 

"That ferret sent me a letter telling me everything and I told him to tell me what to do to get you back," Fred explained. 

I frowned slightly, "George is..." 

"George doesn't know about any of this, he's been holed up in our room making something. Would you have gone if it were him?" Fred looked down at me, his hands playing with the ends of my hair. 

"I didn't know it was you who would show up," I shook my head. 

Fred nodded, "well, we should be off then. Better get back before its too late," he smiled, reaching for my bag. "I missed you." 

"I missed you too," I smiled, taking his hand letting him take us away. 

The house was two stories with several rooms, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were present along with a pregnant looking Tonks and Lupin and George. I gripped Fred's hand tightly, I wasn't prepared to see George's face. Now there was nowhere to run. When Fred and I arrived I was questioned endlessly by his parents while Fred took my pack that Draco had made for me. 

After the endless questions Fred walked me upstairs to show me to my room where I would be staying, that's when I saw him. He was standing in the hallway looking shocked, his eyes secretly pleading, but I just stared with my mouth ajar. What was I supposed do or even act around him? 

George coughed slightly and excused himself, I frowned. I had expected our reunion to go differently--him pleading and begging to hear him out as I stood there flabbergasted. But his reaction had taken me off guard, Fred gently took my arm and continued to lead me down the hall; I walked inside and looked around. There was nothing much, dresser, nightstand, and double bed; what caught my eye was a small bottle sitting on the nightstand with a note around its neck. 

Fred left me to relax and I looked at the bottle. 

Drink me, then come and talk to me

I frowned, knowing George's handwriting from anywhere, I removed the letter and looked at the bottle. The contents were a deep blue, just like George's eyes. I sat on the bed, uncapping the bottle and taking the contents in one go. 

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