Chapter 42

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Happy Birthday to LuckiiDucki!!! I hope you have a lovely day!

And I hope everyone else has a lovely day as well!! <3 thank you for reading!

*George's POV*

"Are you ready to go?" I asked after collecting all of Kayley's things in a few bags.

Kayley looked up at me nervously and nodded, "I suppose...where are we going?"

"How about your flat?" I offered.

"" She asked confused.

"It was taken care of," I nodded. I remembered Fred doing something about her flat before we left for our safe house...and then after everything I took care of it for her. But I wasn't going to bring that up. Not now at least. I just wanted to see that smile on her face a few more times before she started questioning where he was.

Kayley took my hand as we began to leave, I couldn't be happier to leave St. Mungo's behind me, I had my girl and that's all I needed. I hoped to never return for at least a year. I took Kayley to an alleyway where we apparated to her apartment building. We walked up to her door, Kayley began looking for her key and stammering.

"It's fine," I chuckled as I revealed her original copy I'd taken from her purse months ago.

"Hey! Give that back!" Kayley scowled. I rolled my eyes as I opened the door and let her step inside, she got to the living room before turning around and frowning.

I knew why, she wanted to see Fred. Before she could speak I dropped her cards on the coffee table, "come on. You don't want to be late," I smiled.

"To what?" She asked confused.

I smiled, "why not take a shower and we'll go?" Kayley didn't object, she walked down the hall and disappeared for thirty minutes. I looked around, how was I going to explain Fred to her? I've thought about this every day and the only answer I had was give her some time to smile before piling on the heartbreaking news.

When we made it to the Burrow I stopped walking, making Kayley look at me with a worried look, I cupped her face in my hands. Mesmerizing the smile she had as she looked at me, it was going to kill me to do this..but she'll have to know sooner or later...

"George..." She whispered, her fingers finding my wrists as I rubbed my thumbs across her cheeks.

"I'm so happy you're here with me," I said honestly.

Kayley laughed slightly, her eyes crinkled and her smile was heartwarming, I'll miss that after this...I smiled, maybe just a few more moments of peace wouldn't be such a bad thing. I kissed the end of her nose and smiled, we began to walk again. I gently turned the knob and pushed Kayley in front of me.

"Welcome home!" there were cheers and roars the moment we walked inside.

Kayley jumped into my chest from the shock as she looked around the room. Ginny, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Oliver, Seamus....everyone was present to celebrate Kayley waking up and coming home. Kayley walked forward and hugged every single person tightly. When we managed to squeeze into the small sitting room, I noticed Kayley was looking around, I caught her eye but she only smiled and turned away from me.

"We're so happy to see you, Kayley," Hermione grinned excitedly.

"Everyone was worried about you," Ginny added.

"Especially George," Ron smirked.

"So tell me everything that I've missed," Kayley ordered everyone.

I stood to get drinks sometime later, noticing Kayley staring off toward the stairs or where the front door was, her face falling slightly until her attention was called by someone.

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