Chapter 29

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This will be told in third person narrative for the first part


Beautiful brown eyes stared up at him as they sat along side the Black Lake, Fred stood skipping rocks as George listened as the girl talked about the stars adamantly. He loved the way her eyes lit up around the topic of astronomy. She got these crinkles at the corners of her eyes when her smile grew.

"George...George are you even listening?" Kayley pouted.

George chuckled, "course I am, Kay," he lied with a smirk plastered on his face.

Kayley's grin grew as she dove back into the topic of stars, her brown eyes sparkling amazingly in the evening sunlight. How George wish he could just admit his feelings for the fiftteen year old girl....

Loads of girls stood around waiting for their dates, dressed in various colors and hues of fabulous dresses. But George paid no attention to them, no his gaze was focused on one girl and one girl only. She was slowly walking down the grand stairs before the Great Hall, she was wearing a golden dress with beautiful sequins that trailed from her right breast and down the length of the dress. Her hair was curled and pulled up slightly, many curls hung around and framed her face. Her eyes popped underneath the mascara and golden eye shadow and complimenting eyeliner. Her lips were a sparkling pink hue and as she smiled George felt his breath leave his lungs as Kayley walked toward him and Fred.

Fred grinned when he snaked his arm around her waist, "see you two in there, right?" Fred looked between George and Angelina Johnson.

"Yeah, save us seats then?" George asked.

Fred nodded as the two walked through the giant oak doors, George's gaze fell to Angelina who was raising an eyebrow at him. "Let me guess who looks better," she whispered, her voice a bit stiff.

"Come on, Ange," George rolled his eyes, "you're the most stunning girl here," he smiled and hoped she didn't see through him.

If anything, Kayley was the most stunning and attractive girl in this building, even more attractive than the Beauxbaton girls....

George was standing across the tent, watching Kayley laugh slightly as she pushed her hair over her shoulder, he watched the curls bounce and he smirked slightly. Their eyes met and George couldn't help laugh when he watched Kayley's face turn red and she dropped the gaze, a smile tugging at her lips. George took a sip of his drink, scratching his neck as he leaned against the post of the tent.

"Why not ask her to dance?" Charlie appeared at his side, sipping firewhisky as he smiled at his younger brother.

"What're you going on about?" George raised an eyebrow as he played the innocent card.

"That beautiful girl you've been staring at the entire day," Charlie laughed, pointing over to Kayley who was now chatting with Fred. "Ask her to dance."

George shrugged his shoulders, "I'm not much of a dancer, Charlie."

"Neither am I, but if I had the chance to hold a pretty girl, I'd do everything possible to hold her," Charlie nodded.

George drained the remainder of his drink and nodded, "you're right, Char...I think I'll go and ask."

His heart hammering in his chest with every step he took toward Kayley's back, enjoying the sound of her laugh as he got closer. He felt his palms sweat slightly as he continued walking....

George was behind the counter, polishing the glass, it was just another slow day at the shop. Fred was off and George was counting the minutes until he left so that he could go see Kayley, even saying her name made him smile.

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