Chapter 39

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*Ron's POV*

Five months since the battle and things hadn't changed back, not within our family at least. With Fred's death everyone mourned in their own way, if it weren't for Hermione and Harry I don't think I'd be able to get up in the morning sometimes. When I saw George it hurt sometimes and we'd just stand there staring at each other. Not knowing what we should say to each other. 

George was a wreck, between auror training and watching out for him, I began noticing him distancing himself from everyone. Everyone noticed right away. He only spoke with Bill and Fleur because they forced him to, the rest of us gave him his space. We knew this was hardest on him. But it was starting to wear on us, not being able to help the one who needed all the help possible. George was losing muscle mass, becoming gaunt looking and pale. Bill brought it up to him but George only started yelling in his face and storming off. 

We've all learned to stay away from that topic..

"Here are more flowers," I looked up as Hermione appeared with  giant bouquet of tulips, her hair was pulled into a messy bun as she placed them on the stand beside Kayley's bed. 

"Who are they from?" I asked as Harry followed suit with another one. 

"One from Oliver and another from the Patils," Hermione answered, taking a seat beside me. 

"Best not let George see them," I muttered. 

"Is he still burning anything that's not from him or us?" Harry questioned. I nodded. 

No matter who gifted something to Kayley, George burned and trashed it, saying that the only thing he wanted Kayley to see when she woke was him. Nothing and no one else but him. The only flowers that did seem to pass by him were Malfoy's....but I had no clue as to why that was. 

"The doctor said all her injuries are healed," Hermione spoke hopefully. 

"I suppose that's why George was more persistent on staying around today," I nodded. 

Hermione took my hand in hers, looking toward Kayley's bed, her heart monitor the only sound in the room. 

"She'll wake up soon," Harry spoke softly.

"One can only hope," I smiled. 

"Come on, we have to make it to the training," Harry said as he got up to leave. 

"I'll be here when you're done," Hermione smiled. 

I kissed her cheek before leaving with Harry to the Ministry. 

*George's POV*

"When will she wake up?" 

"It's hard to tell, when she arrived she was in horrible condition but now...she's healing perfect but because of the amount of snake venom in her system was lethal,"  the healer stopped talking when she saw my face fall. She coughed, pushing a few strands of blonde hair behind her ear, "I can't give you a specific date, but if all her injuries are healing the way they should be within a month or so, I would assume. She's under the best care possible, Mr. Weasley." 

I nodded before sighing deeply, the healer left the room. I looked down at Kayley's body. All the wires and IVs were still in place but there was no longer a tube lodged in her throat or hanging from her nose. Her skin was healed of all wounds...she looked almost normal, slight scars of snake bites remained on her arms. I took her hand in mine, it was warm as compared to how cold it was that night. 

"Come on, Kayley...I need you," I muttered as I rubbed her hand in mine. "Please, you can't leave me..I'm no one without you," I whispered. Feeling my throat constrict tightly as the only response came from the heart monitor beside her. 

"Fred's gone, you can't leave me too, Kayley." 

I felt tears fill my eyes but I held them in as I looked down at her. I clutched at my chest as the pain from my heart took another strike at me, I stepped away from her bed, taking my spot in the corner. I hung my head slightly, resting my elbows on my knees. 

"Alright, George. It's time to get moving," I looked up as Ginny stood before me. 

"Can't you just leave me alone for once?" I sighed. 

"No, I will never leave you alone. Now get up and let's go." 

"I'm not leaving Kayley, Gin," I shook my head stubbornly. "Why don't you just give up?" 

"Because I know Kayley and I know the second she wakes up and sees what you've done with yourself she'll blame herself for everything. Even if its not her fault, she'll blame it all on herself and retreat to that girl she was before she ever realized she fancied you. Now do you want that to happen?" Ginny raised an eyebrow at me. 

"What do you suggest I do then?" I tossed my hands in front of me and glared. 

"Come to dinner with everyone, come home, we miss you," Ginny pleaded. 

"I do go home--" 

"You stay at Bill's for two hours a day total, that's not a home," Ginny frowned. "Just please, everyone misses you. Especially mum." 

"Fine, fine!" I gave in with a sigh. 

Ginny smiled and left the room, I looked over at Kayley and frowned. "I'll be back later, love." I whispered before walking out of the room and following Ginny outside. 

 We appeared in front of the Burrow, my heart felt like it was going to collapse with every passing second, Ginny was watching me slightly concerned. Worrying about what I would do next. I took small steps to the door, stepping closer to the door, when I opened it I was bombarded in a tight hug. Mum was pressing me into her chest as I stood there, her tears drenching my shirt front. 

"Oh, George...I'm so happy you're here," she sobbed out. 

"I'm sorry I haven't been around," I whispered as I hugged her back. 

"It's alright, I'm just happy you're here now," she looked up at me with a smile. "I've made your favorite sweets," she led me inside. 

I took a seat at the table, not looking at the number of chairs...the one that would never be filled again. This was too much for me. I should have never come here. I looked to Ginny who took the seat beside me as Percy took the other, mum placed a plate of cookies in front of me. Feeling at home. 

I just wished that Fred and Kayley were here...things would be so much easier with them by my side..but Fred was dead and Kayley was in a coma...

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