Chapter 18

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"Today, we are pleased to welcome Miss Kayley Sorrin."

Applause filled the auditorium as I stepped onto the stage, the front section was packed-every actor, stage hand, and director-sat dead center as I walked to the middle of the stage under the bright spot light.

"Thank you for coming here," a middle aged man with dirty blonde hair said with a giant smile on his face. He motioned me to stand beside him, his name was Tom and he was my aunt's right hand man for basically everything. They'd been working together since before I was born, I always thought they would get married but Tom fancied men, so that ship sailed. Tom gave me a very tight hug before we walked to the edge of the stage and looked at the assembled cast and crew.

He was always so nice to me, I'd known him for ten years and he never failed to send me a small card for my birthday or bring me somewhere extravagant when I was allowed to visit New York. It took a lot of convincing on Tom's end to get me to agree to be here...I didn't want to show up, but Tom promised a lavished trip. Who was I to turn down such an offer?

"Kayley, let me be the first to tell you how very sorry we are for your loss," Tom said.

"Thank you," I whispered, feeling my throat constrict.

"It's a shame that she was taken so tragically," Tom sighed, "but we'll keep her memory alive! That's a promise."

I smiled slightly, "I think she would love that." I looked at my feet, watching a few tears blur my vision before falling to the ground before me.

Tom grinned, "alright everyone, we're dismissed for the day. See most of you at The Scene." He turned to me, clapping my shoulder, "let's go shall we?"

We turned on the spot before walking down the neatly tight rows of cement stones, I glanced over at Tom. He was frowning as we moved through the rows until we finally came to a sleek black granet headstone.

"Did they....return...her here?" I whispered. My voice catching in my throat. It was hard not to cry as I looked at the name carved on the stone.

"I had to go and get her" Tom said solemnly. "The gathering at The Scene...its for you, you know."

"I guessed," I snorted. "What will happen now?"

"Broadway will go on sadly...but veterans will know of her and lovers of Broadway will know as well," Tom commented.

I clenched my fists so tightly that I felt my nails draw blood, but I didn't care. "I'll fix this."


"I'm going to find the bastards and give them what they deserve for this," I vowed.

"Kayley...." Tom coughed, he looked nervous as he studied me, "I know this is very hard and taxing on you but--"

"Those bastards took away everything, I deserve my revenge," I looked at him determined.

Tom was quiet, "I'll leave you with your thoughts for a moment."

I smiled slightly as Tom walked off, pulling out his phone as he walked through a few rows of graves. Aunt Marcy...I don't know why she was taken, it could've been some freak accident done by a few Death Eaters to send a message to the public or it could've been a thought out plan. My aunt was well known, she had several awards for her talent in play writing, could it have been a message to the people that no one was safe from their hands?

I placed the deepest red colored rose I could find down on the ground, I heard Tom's footsteps crunching down the stiff grass as he appeared beside me.

"Come let's go for a walk," Tom motioned.

"I was surprised you showed up, honestly when I sent that letter I didn't expect much," Tom commented as we walked to his car. Even though he lived in New York, the busiest city I've had the pleasure to see, he had a car--which Marcy always mocked him about.

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