Chapter 83-Caged Bird

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Kota Pov

It's been 6 days, 9 hours, 20 minute and 52 seconds since Emily has been gone. I have been counting since she left. I know she has been calling and texting the encrypted phones since she has been gone, but they say she does not sound like herself at all and I am more than concerned. Like everyone else my anxiety rises every day she is not here.

LaShae and Doc have been monitoring her health reports daily, and they say they can see the stress this has taken on her body. We all just want her back; safe and sound. The old saying is true. You don't know what you've got until it's gone. I can see not only the effect she has had on my brothers, but also the Toma and Roberts teams.

I glance over at Heart laying between Luke and Gabe, and I can't help but smile. He reminds me of Max when he was a puppy. I have been teaching Heart some things I taught Max and I hope she does not mind. I am so glad Heart likes us all. He has helped all of us during this time and he always follows Luke and Gabe around.

Owen is taking this the hardest, as he believes he should have known something was not right about our brothers being called on missions. But it's not uncommon for that to happen. Emily knew right away it was a set up, and a part of him feels like he let her and us down.

We told him there was nothing to forgive him for and so did Dr. Roberts. Alec, Dr. Roberts, Doc and I all told him it is not his fault, but he is determined to get her back so he can apologize directly to her.

Thanks to the information Arlo gave us, we had his partners, what they were selling and his place of residence. Dr. Roberts made copies of the evidence and turned it over to the DEA. When we went to Damien's place and saw all the pictures and videos he had of her from when she was 13 until the Academy training. It was sickening, disturbing and made us even more determined to catch him.

I know Damien is horrible, but her parents are worse. It turns out they raised and groomed her for the Academy at a young age. They were planning on her one day taking over the Academy. She refused to join and no matter what they said, did, or promised her, she would not join the Academy.

It was not that she did not like it or what it stood for, she simply felt it was not for her. Once she said that, they basically cut her off. They took her out of class and had her home schooled. She was not allowed to mention they were her parents nor could she visit them at work.

Chelsea and Corey discovered her parents were receiving money to fund the academy from several places, including several substantial donations from a couple of donors. As it happened Damien was one of the people donating large sums of money.

Then as individual members left the academy, he would talk them into working with him. Her parents lost a lot of good recruits to him and were pissed. When her parents found out about his business, they thought sending Emily to him would toughen her up and convince her that she needed to join the Academy. They also thought they could also bring down his business.

When he was arrested, charged and convicted on human trafficking charges and not his drug charges, they were infuriated. They recruited the younger Kataoka Sisters and convinced the judge to release Damien. They knew he was fixated on Emily and he would contact his previous partners to get his business back.

"KOTA!!" yells Gabe and brings me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry, I was lost in thought. What did you say Gabe?" I said.

"Dr. Roberts and Alec received an email from Emily saying in 2 days, they will be meeting the Kataola Sisters and this is the time to take them all down. Dr. Roberts wants everyone to meet at Owen's in an hour to come up with and finalize our plan."

"Alright. I will send out a text to everyone and then we can go pick up Nathan." I say as I take my phone from my pocket.

"Alright. Oy, next time, leave the day dreaming to Luke." states Gabe, as he starts packing up his stuff.

I send out the text and immediately I started to receive conformation text from everyone saying they will meet us there. Finally, this is coming to an end and it is not soon enough for me.


"Alright, let's make sure everyone understands the plan." states Dr. Roberts as Corey hits the power point control to start the projector."

"Emily told us they will all be attending the 40's Gangster Party at the Road House. The party starts at 9pm and they will meet at 10pm. She is not sure where in the club they will meet, but she has been there before and knows her way around."

"Corey has the layout of the club and their information. The goal is to arrest them so they can be taken into custody. If they come after you with deadly force, you take them out. Alec is taking the lead on this operation, since he has worked with him and knows how he works. He and the Toma team will go into the club take them down."

Nathan opened his mouth to speak and Dr. Roberts cut him off saying: "Before you all have a fit, remember he knows what you guys look like, and we don't want him to do something drastic if they see any of you approach. Especially since three of you should be dead."

Glaring back at Nathan and daring him to retort Dr Roberts continues. "Luke, you will go in tomorrow and place cameras throughout the club. We will be able to compare the footage with the floor plan and the actual lay out." states Dr. Roberts and Luke nods in understanding.

"Chelsea and LaShae will be monitoring Emily via her tracking chip here. If she has a medical emergency, they will notify Sean or myself. Nat and Gabe will be staying with them to ensure no one sees them and to protect the ladies."

"Corey and Vic will be in the communication van with Sean as a back up. Kayli, Brandon and Marc will go into the party and will make their way around socially. Once we hear the cue word from Emily, Luke will cause a scene outside to draw people out"

"While he is causing the distraction, Alec, Axel, and Raven will enter through the back. Marc and Brandon will handle the people in the club if they try to attack us. North, Silas and Owen will cover the back door while Roc and I will cover the front door. Once Damien, the sisters and Emily are secure." He tapered off as Owen interrupted.

"Excuse me Dr. Roberts. Just to be clear, Emily is being arrested as well to keep up the appearance correct?"

"Yes, although I know it will be hard on her to be arrested again. I just hope that when she is arrested, that she be arrested by one of us and not the DEA." stated Dr. Roberts

"The rest of you gentlemen will be stationed outside to secure the club. If anyone gets past us, it will be your job to take them down or out if they are harming anyone."

"The DEA will then take custody of them and the case. If anyone sees Emily with a DEA agent, let me know immediately. I will handle it."

"Any questions?" I look around and no one has any questions. "Alright Gentlemen. Everyone get some sleep and rest up. We are going to set our caged bird free."

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