Author Thank You

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****Author Thank You****

I just want to give a special thank you to Anon2404. You encouraged me to take a chance on a goal of mine and to have faith in myself. If not for you listening, guiding me and all your hard work, I just could not have done it. I am so grateful and I don't have the words to express how much that means to me.

For all the ladies who supported and encouraged me on the Academy Page and all those who took the time out to read, vote and comment. It means more than you will ever know. They encouraged and inspired me when I needed it. I humbly thank you for sticking with me. I have fulfilled a lifetime goal.

For those who told me I was wasting my time because people will not read it or how wrong I was wrong to kill off Sang because there is no story without her, or those who messaged me with threats and hateful words because it was not what you wanted, and especially the ones who left negative comments on my chapters that I removed or had remove. Thank you for the motivation and drive. I did it anyway and I have at least 15 K reads stating you were wrong.

For those who have asked, I will write again so keep an eye out or follow me so you will be in the know.

****Siting on the front porch swing and raising my glass of sweet tea to you.**** Love y'all  and wishing you love and happiness.

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