Poor Thing

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•Y/N: Your Name
•M/N: Mother's Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:

Y/N lived a somewhat normal life. She had a loving family, tons of friends to hang out with, a nice house to live in and wasn't at all bullied. Notice how I used past tense words such as "had" and "wasn't". Unfortunately, Y/N's happy world burned to smithereens a little over three years ago, after that she-devil came. The aforementioned "devil's" name is Jessica Cavel, but everyone tended to call the girl Jess for short.

I'll tell you right now, she's a grade A bitch! The blonde stole every single one of Y/N's friends and managed to turn them against her with only a handful of manipulative tricks and lies. Why would she do such a thing? Surely, Y/N must've done something to deserve this cruel treatment. No, that's dead wrong.

The poor girl did nothing to deserve this dreadful torment. The bully was simply bored and wanted to see how quickly she could destroy a person's perfect life. To add to the pain of loosing her companions, Jess also happened to convince those former friends to bully and beat the poor, tormented girl. Things only got worse from then on. You see, Jess' old man, Richard Cavel, became Y/N's father's boss at the company where he once worked. Small world, right?

As mentioned before, (I had said "once worked", after all.) the man no longer works at that company anymore. The man was fired along with a few others. You see, Mr. Cavel had desired a fresh start for the business. His lack of employment led the girl's poor father to fall into a deep depression. In his despair, he decided to disappear without a trace, leaving a lonely mother and her child without so much as a goodbye.

Y/N's mother is a pleasant lady. She works so hard to care for her daughter, but sadly found that finances became a problem. The two could not live properly with the woman's income alone, and Y/N was not yet old enough to have a job of her own to contribute. Running out of options, M/N moved in with her new boyfriend, Jeffery Howell. The three all live in a two bedroom apartment, and to say the place is in a horrid condition would be an understatement.

Trash would always litter the hardwood floors. Every time the mess was cleaned, it would soon be covered in another blanket of napkins, food, beer cans and more. Ah, and the lovely, bright red cherry on the cake was that the man treated the two like absolute shit. Again, they were out of options, so they stayed with the man due to the fact he makes very good money. Such a shame the man's a cheapskate. Y/N took to isolating herself in her bedroom, only leaving it to go to school or to eat meals with her "family".

The poor thing lives in fear of being abused daily, but soon, she'll find that things can change within the blink of an eye.

Your POV:

I flip to the next page of my book that was assigned for my reading class. The assignment would be due soon, and I had yet to even reach the climax of the story. To be fair, the book holds no interest to me. The plot is pretty boring. Feeling a bit chilly, I decide to cover my body with a plush, grey blanket to keep warm. I did have to get up from my spot to get it, though, since I was sitting on it. Once I get situated once more with the blanket draped over my shoulders, I continue to read. I'm sitting in my room, like I usually do, trying to ignore the world outside my door.

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