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•Y/N: Your Name
•H/C: Hair Color

Author's POV:

A strong breeze causes the trees of the forest to sway, and the leaves of the plants rustle to orchestrate a symphony of sounds that add to the chirping birds. The weather outside the hotel is warm and comforting, like a security blanket. One person, however, isn't soothed by the pleasant temperature and sunny sky. A dark cloud forms and consumes Mephiles' mind as he escorts Y/N to the desired destination where they would be far from prying eyes. With his walking speed being a bit faster than the girl's, she's practically dragged along behind him. The dark-haired male is unable to notice the female's attempts at matching his speed, for he is lost in a memory that occurred only last night;

A memory that destroyed his nonexistent heart.


Y/N's body is held tightly in Mephiles' thin arms. His chest is pressed against the female's back, while she lets out light, deep breaths. The male's emerald eyes are open, while his other hand plays with the teen's H/C hair. It was slightly matted, so he took the liberty of brushing out the knots with his thin fingers. He couldn't sleep due to worry. Worry about the girl in his arms, about his plans, about...Shadow. Mephiles' eyes narrow, angered by the thought of that man. He hurt the person he needs to protect, and that won't do. He would get his revenge soon enough, but worry still ensued.

'Had he read my journal? Does he know what I plan to do to them...to her?' A soft sigh escapes him. Y/N stirs and turns over to face the male's chest and snuggles against him. A slight smile tugs at his pale lips as a tingling sensation flutters in his stomach.

It's a pleasant feeling to have her beside him like this. He had never been shown this sort of attention before. A guilty pleasure that he indulges himself in is watching her sleep so peacefully beside him. Mephiles had slept in the girl's bed many times before, but he couldn't possibly get board of it. The soft breaths, the nearly silent murmurs that would tumble from her mouth at times, and the fact that she would always cuddle up to him whether or not she knew of his presence was euphoric.

'It's such a nice feeling to be...loved.' Mephiles snaps out of it, shaking his head and slipping out of bed. He had to stop. He can't grow attached; he simply can't. He grabs his jacket and zips it up before slipping on some shoes. He would return later when his head is clear.

His sights linger on the girl before he leaves. She remains asleep, oblivious to his intentions, his feelings, his aching heart. When he steps outside, he instantly senses that someone is near. Mephiles stays on guard as he approaches the tree line of the forest. His eyes glare into the darkness, his green eyes glowing to appear more threatening. He was in no mood to fight, but was willing to if necessary. A low growl escapes him when a familiar, white-haired rival of his nears the hideout.

'How do they keep finding me?' He groans in frustration as he glares at the male in front of him. He takes note of a particular cat in his arms that he could, honestly, care less for.

"Look, Mephiles, I don't want to fight," he starts, stopping at a safe distance from him. "I came here because...well, I wanted to bring Y/N her cat. I'm sure she misses him, and..." Silver trails off, finding it hard to actually say this in person to the villain in front of him. He bends down and sets Claude on the ground before hesitantly approaching his enemy. Mephiles' body stiffens, but he holds his ground. He had gotten back quite a bit of strength now, so he could definitely get a good fight in if it was needed.

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