Suspicions and Emotions

882 38 9

•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

The sun soon rises, filling the house with a gentle light. Though most of the windows were covered in thick curtains, some were out of the way to naturally illuminate the home. I currently stand in the kitchen, eating my breakfast of scrambled eggs and buttered toast. Recollections of what happened yesterday led me to seek out Mephiles after I finish my meal. I want to confront him so that I can know why he collapsed like that. I check the living room first, but saw no sign of him. I check the bedroom next only to get the same result.

'Where did he go?' There's only one other place he could be. I approach the crimson door and stand in front of it for a few moments to contemplate whether or not I should enter. I still feel like I'm not supposed to be in there. I shove that feeling aside as I twist the knob and open the door.

Sure enough, I find my target sitting on the desk chair, immersed in thought. I sneak up to him from behind to attempt scaring him. I stop, however, when I see that he's reading the journal I saw yesterday, the one I was going to read before he came back. On his face is an angered expression, and his gloved hands held the hard covers tightly. It seems like he's upset by the written words.

'Maybe I should say something?' I reach my hand out to touch his shoulder so that I can try to comfort the male. However, he did something completely unexpected once I made contact. His body tenses and reacts quickly. Mephiles grabs my hand in a crushing grip and stands abruptly before throwing me across the room. A scream escapes me as I crash into a mirror that hung on the wall. The glass shatters upon impact, cutting up my hands and face. I whimper in pain and pull out a small shard from my hand. I had expected Mephiles to apologize instantly after seeing what he had done, but again, I was mistaken.

"What do you think you're doing in here?! Get out!" He demands angrily. It was then that I noticed a similarity between his voice and-

Suddenly I'm stricken across the face hard. Tears well up in my widened eyes as I bring a hand up to my cheek. I wince when I come in contact with the bruising flesh. I force myself to stand, but my legs wobble as I stare at the man in fear. Tears slide down my cheeks as I make a run for the door. He lets me leave the room without any trouble. I lock myself in the bedroom and sit on the bed. I cover myself with the blanket before bringing my knees to my chest. By body shakes, and the marks from the glass sting upon making contact with the fabric.

'Why would he...' a sob catches in my throat as I bury my face in my arms. I can't help but feel a bit betrayed here. Mephiles knows I've been abused in the past; he must after having stalked me for however long he has, so why would he do this to me?

'Maybe Shadow was right? Mephiles doesn't give a damn about me after all.' More tears fall down my cheeks at the thought. I'm not quite sure why it hurts this bad to think that I truly don't mean a thing to the man. I haven't known him as long as he's known me. It's an odd, burning feeling that's spreading from my heart to the rest of my body. Claude jumps onto the bed, probably growing tired of sleeping on the floor. He paws at me after sitting beside me.

"Are you hungry?" I ask softly as I scratch the top of the feline's head. I couldn't even make myself smile at the cute creature. He releases a meow, probably telling me that my assumption was correct. "Okay, let's get you something to eat."

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