Hideout Hotel

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•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

When I awaken from my peaceful slumber, I stretch out my limbs, nearly hitting Mephiles in the process...nearly. He's sleeping beside me with his back facing me. Looks like he's sleeping pretty deep too. I sigh softly as I stare at his back. I'm tempted to drape an arm over his body and nestle against him, but I refrain from doing so upon hearing the deep rumbles from my stomach. I'm starving.

'I wonder if there's a kitchen in this place. Maybe I can get some food?' I sit up and slide off the bed, being careful not to wake the sleeping male. I leave the room and slowly close the door to avoid making a lot of noise. As I wander the halls of the establishment, I realize that we're staying in a hotel.

It's old and possibly abandoned according to its walls' chipping, cream paint and burgundy carpets that desperately need to be cleaned. I soon find the place I've been searching for after checking a couple doors and am thankful that there is fresh food. I choose to make something easy: mini pancakes with maple syrup, sausage links, and scrambled eggs. I'm sure to make two plates worth of food, so Mephiles can eat something too. Halfway through heating up the pancakes, I get a sudden craving for toast, so I start making that as well.

While buttering the toasted bread, though, someone else enters the kitchen. My reflexes kick in instantly, due to being surprised, and I do a quick turn around with the knife in hand. I'm surprised to find yet another Sonic lookalike's throat at the tip of the blade. The difference in this one is his green hair and blue eyes. His black leather jacket is unzipped to reveal his toned, bare chest and scars, pants that match the color of his hair cover his legs, sneakers cover his feet, and sunglasses rest upon his head. His white glove-covered hands raise up in surrender, and his eyes widen slightly at the suddenness of my action. Sleepiness is clear in his blue orbs as he stares at the blade.

"Easy there, babe." A yawn escapes the man's mouth as he slowly uses a finger to push the knife away from his neck. "I was only gonna ask if there was any bread left."

I sigh softly and relax a bit. I remain on guard, though, since this guy is a total stranger. He rubs his tired eyes as I apologize.

"Oh, sorry about that. Yeah, there's plenty left." I point at the loaf of bread I used. He nods and gets out two slices. I begin to feel bad after comprehending what I've done to him. I held the dude at knifepoint. "Sorry again. I didn't mean to do that. It's just that I've been kidnapped one too many times since I've been here. I guess it's just a reflex by this point."

"Don't sweat it. I've dealt with worse, babe." A soft chuckle escapes him as he makes his own toast. I toss the buttery knife into the sink once I'm finished using it. I'm about to grab the two, full plates when he speaks up again. "Hey, wait a minute! Aren't you Mephy's girl?"

His louder voice tells me that he's feeling more aware now than before. We stare at each other in silence for a moment before I break down laughing.

"Did you just call him Mephy?" I cover my mouth and close my eyes as I laugh. My body leans forward to press against the counter as I crack up from the nickname. The green-haired male soon joins my hysteric laughter, but speaks when he calms down.

"Yeah, he'd probably kill me if he heard me say that!" His sniggers come to an immediate halt when he realizes what he just said. His cheerful grin fades to form a serious look on his face. "Don't tell him I said that. He will literally kill me."

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