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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Your POV:

I calmed down after a while once I gave myself a mental pep talk. I've decided to avoid Mephiles for the rest of the day to give him some space. It's not like I can stay mad at him forever. I'm not the sort of person that holds grudges. While in the bathroom, I cleaned and bandaged my wounds. When I finish, someone from behind me clears their throat. I turn around and find Mephiles leaning against the doorframe. His expression is serious. I look down with a sigh. He looks like Shadow when he looks at me like that.

"Hey," I mutter.

"We need to talk." He speaks without an ounce of emotion in his voice, which put me on edge. I nod my head and follow him out of the bathroom. He takes me all the way to the front door. I raise a brow in confusion.

'Are we going on a walk or something?'

He twists the door knob after unlocking the door. His expression stays serious as he opens the door.

'Something's not right here. I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.'

He ushers me to step closer. Cautiously, I approach him. I'm caught off guard when I'm suddenly pushed outside. I fall onto my side and whimper in pain, for it was a hard landing. I look up at him with wide eyes due to the betrayal I feel.

"I no longer have any use for you, so get lost." He slams the door shut. His words cut into my heart like a thousand knives. Tears, that had welled in my eyes, roll down my cheeks, and no mater how many times I wipe them away, more replaced them. To my surprise, the door reopens, and a sliver of hope enters my E/C orbs. Well, that is until Claude is thrown at me. I catch the feline before he could hit the ground, nearly getting scratched in the process. "And, take that stupid cat with you."

The door is shut once more, and I'm left alone again. I wipe my eyes a final time before standing up with Claude held tightly in my arms. I turn towards the forest and run as fast as my legs could take me. I don't care where I'm going, and I don't care if I even get myself lost. My emotions are running wild, and I've lost control.

When I'm out of breath and my legs wobble, I stop. While panting, I gaze around at my surroundings. Trees are everywhere, and there's no sign of civilization. Good. I want to be alone right now. I take a seat beneath a willow tree and sigh softly as I close my eyes.

My back leans against the rough bark of the trunk, and I try to relax. The sound of the moving water from a nearby stream proves to be very effective in calming me. I pull my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around my legs. Claude escapes my grasp and lies down beside me. I run my fingers along his back. His black fur feels soft against my fingertips. Once everything feels fine again, I hear a familiar voice in the distance that makes my eyes open.

"Y/N? Is that you? What are you doing way out here?"

I turn my head towards the soft voice and watch as Silver cautiously approaches me. He must not be sure if I want him near me. He tilts his head a bit with his brows scrunched together in worry.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asks in a gentle voice as he sits beside me. Claude stays between us, but not for long, for I pull Silver into a tight embrace. The feline growls and runs to a different spot before cleaning his fur. Silver was greatly surprised by my actions, but hugs me back, so I could receive some much needed comfort.

"Hey, it's okay," he says softly while rubbing my back in soothing circles. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

I nod my head against his chest and pull back some.

"H-he kicked me out after...after hurting me."

Silver sets his gloved hands on my shoulders before pushing me back some, so he could see my bandaged cuts.

"Y/N, that's horrible!" Something wet lands on his nose, making it twitch. He wipes it away to find that it was water. We both look up at the sky that is now covered in grey clouds. He looks back at me with a gentle smile on his face and a pleading look in his golden orbs. "Come back to the house with me. It looks like it might rain, and I'm sure you can use some friends right now."

I nod my head in agreement before shakily standing up. I'm still a bit worn out from running, so my legs aren't exactly stable. Upon seeing this, he walks close beside me to make sure I don't fall over as we head to the house Sonic had taken me to when I first came to this place. Claude quickly caught up to our retreating forms as we walk deeper into the woods. It drizzled a bit on our way there, but we were able to make it inside before it began pouring down rain. Everyone welcomed me back with open arms and were very sweet. Silver stopped them from crowding me and offered me his room so that I could rest. I thank him and accept his offer before heading upstairs to find his room.

'I just want this day to end.' I sigh softly as I look at all the doors in the hallway.

'Which one is his again?' I decide to pick a door at random and step inside. The room I pick is dark inside, but I can clearly see it's not Silver's. The bed is covered in black blankets and sheets, while the pillowcases are a crimson red. A hardwood floor is beneath my feet, and the windows are covered by black curtains.

The walls are painted a dark red, and I note that there's many guns on the walls and in cases that are messily scattered on the floor. A light coming from the bathroom that's connected to the bedroom illuminates the place. I can hear the sound of running water too. I was about to leave, but something told me I should check it out. Slowly, I approach the bathroom and lightly knock on the door to grab the attention of the male inside.

Shadow's ruby gaze flicks up to meet mine in surprise. It appears he was washing out his hair. I open my mouth to apologize for disturbing him, but stop upon seeing that only half of his hair has been cleaned out and is dripping water. That's not why I was shocked enough to silence myself. The dry half of his highlighted hair is blue...like Mephiles'.

'Why is his hair like that? Why does he look like...' I clench my fists in anger when the pieces all come together. I know the truth now.

It was Shadow who did that to me, not Mephiles.

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