The Stalker

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•E/C: Eye Color
•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

Tears stream down my face as I'm thrown to the floor again. The wind is taken out of me when I land on my stomach. Using his foot, Jeff flips me over onto my back. He pins me down and raises his knife before bringing it down. I managed to move my head in time before he could plunge the blade into my eye. It stabs into the carpet, nearly nicking my ear. He raises his weapon again while straddling my legs, aiming for my heart. I grab his hand in attempts to stop him, but he's much stronger.

'No! I don't want to die!' My arms shake as he brings the knife down. I close my eyes, unable to believe these were going to be my last moments. I wonder how much it's going to hurt before I die? I grow curious when nothing happens, and soon Jeff's weight is suddenly removed from my body.

I hesitantly open my eyes and find a shadowy figure sitting on top of Jeff's body while pushing the drunk's head against the floor. My eyes are too clouded with tears to properly see, and it doesn't help that some dark, fog-like substance surrounded the stranger's body. I can't make out any of their figure's features. Breathing heavily, I turn onto my side and shakily push myself to sit up.

"Touch her again, and I'll be sure to rip your arm out of its socket," a deep voice threatens while bringing the male's arm around his back and tugging. A loud scream escapes Jeff's lips when the stranger does this. I swear I've heard that voice before. Their name was on the tip of my tongue. Suddenly a loud ringing fills my ears, disorienting me. I lie back down on the ground, my vision fading quickly. I force myself to stay awake, but it's proving to be a difficult task.

'Is this the guy who's been stalking me?'

The person suddenly stands and turns his gaze to me. It appears that Jeff has become unconscious. My body shakes when my E/C orbs meet




Green eyes. My mind was fading fast. I couldn't think of who has those eyes to save my life. I know I've seen them before, but why can't I remember? My eyelids grow heavy by the time his shoes are right in front of my face. He kneels down, and my eyes shut completely. They drag a gloved finger down the center of my face, starting from my forehead down to my bottom lip.

"Sleep, my dove. Sleep."


I shoot up from the mattress with a loud gasp. My eyes remain wide as my panting steadily decreased. I gulp and run my hands through my hair. I feel droplets of sweat as I do so. I look around the room as I set my hands on my lap. I look out the window, whose curtains have been drawn, and find that the sun was beginning to set. My mind races at a dreadfully quick pace as tears welled in my eyes. I grip my arms tightly as I lie back down and stare at the ceiling.

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