The Stabbing Pain of Betrayal

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•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

I take a few steps back upon seeing the blue stripes in Shadow's raven and crimson hair. Anger and shock radiates off of me as I bring a hand up to cover my mouth. Small tears prick my eyes as the familiar feeling of betrayal swells within me.

'How dare he?! No, wait.' I take in a deep breath and bring my hand back to my side. My fists remain clenched as I stare him dead in the eye.

'Maybe I'm getting the wrong idea? He could've been pranked or is trying something new with his hair?' Okay, those are crappy excuses, but I don't want to believe I was lied to like this.

"Why is your hair like that?" I ask in an emotionless voice. Shadow greets me with an equally stern gaze. He takes a step forward. Droplets of water fall from his hair onto the white, tile floor of the bathroom. I can't help but take a step back from the suddenness of the action.

"Y/N, you need to listen to me-"

Something falls from his coat pocket and onto the floor. It's a black, leather journal. We both stare at it for a moment with widened eyes. I know I've seen that book before. It was the one that sat on top of Mephiles' desk in his office.

There's only one way he could even know about that journal, and it, sadly, confirms my suspicions. I turn my heel and run towards the room's exit, no longer desiring to hear any of Shadow's excuses. However, before I could make it out, Shadow's ungloved hand grabs my arm roughly. He must've removed the white article to wash his hair without having to worry about it getting wet. The male's anger shines through his voice as he speaks.

"Hey, I said listen to me!" He demands sternly.

"I don't want to hear it!" I growl angrily and rip my arm from his grasp. In one, swift movement, I knee him between his legs. He crumbles to the floor in pain after releasing a mix of a whimper and a grunt. He now lies on the floor, clutching the area I kicked as if it would stop the pain that shocked through him.

My eyes land on that book again, and I'm not sure why I felt that it was important to grab, but that's exactly what I did. I snatch the book off the floor and run towards Shadow's window. In my adrenaline filled state, I open it and jump out without a second thought. I hear him gasp as I fall to the ground outside. I grunt as I land on my side, but I scramble to get up quickly.

I gaze up and see he had ran to the window to see if I had hurt myself. A bit of mud covers my body and clothes now, but I could care less. I must get away from here and find Mephiles, or at least his house. My eyes narrow at him before I take off, running. My ankle throbs as I flee from the house.

I must've bruised it or something, for it felt slightly numb after I had landed. I don't have time to think about it at the moment, though. The rain pelts my flesh, and my legs hurt from the excessive exercise, but I refuse to stop running. I want to feel safe again. That's all I want.

I look over my shoulder to check if Shadow had decided to follow me, but in doing so, I had neglected to see what's in front of me. I crash into something hard and cold, like metal, and fall onto my back. I wince in pain as I gaze up at the metal man in front of me, who looks suspiciously similar to Sonic. Panting heavily, I crawl back a bit to gain some space between us. I had dropped Mephiles journal after the collision, so I'm quick to grab it again.

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