Mystery Room

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:

Having no desire to continue the conversation, Y/N moves to go back inside Mephiles' home to get away from them. Silver steps in front of the teen to block her path.

"Y/N, wait."

"Please, just go away." The female maneuvers around the white haired male and slams the door shut after getting inside. Her back presses against the wooden surface as her hand turns the lock above the knob to further restrict entry into the abode. This was for the sake of everyone.

She knows better than to disobey Mephiles.

Your POV:

I sniffle as I sit down on the couch, tears glazing over my E/C eyes. I rub them away with my arm as I think over what has happened to me these past few days and the role I would now have to play. Mephiles believes to have some sort of ownership over me, and that honestly worries me. I'm willing to stay here with him, though. He needs my help, and I'm not going to deny him that. He's helped me many times before, so shouldn't I return the favor?

I sigh at how pathetic I sound as my hand scratches the top of Claude's head. The feline took to lying on my lap after I had sat down. I finish eating my, now soggy, cereal before putting the bowl and spoon into the sink. I then decide to explore the other rooms in the house to occupy my time, since I can't exactly leave the place without having to probably deal with consequences later. My hand unconsciously goes up to my neck, where the scabbed marks lie.

If Mephiles were to harm me like that again, I'm not sure what I'd do. Claude follows me as I go room to room. There was Mephiles' room, the kitchen, an unused dining room, and a bathroom. I soon find myself standing in front of a door that's painted scarlet, which stands out among the plain, brown ones. Cautiously, I open it, feeling as though I'm not supposed to enter here.

What's the harm, though? It's just a room. Perhaps it's a spare bedroom that I can sleep in instead of awkwardly sharing a bed with Mephiles? I'm instantly consumed with the scent the dark haired male carries, lavender. I kind of found it funny that he has such a flowery scent, but I'm not complaining.

I actually quite like the way he smells; it's very calming to the senses. I gaze around and find that this isn't actually a bedroom, but an office complete with a desk, shelves that line the pale blue walls, and an office chair. I walk over to the window and pull apart the navy curtains so that light could seep into the dark room. I look the office over again, taking in the details that were revealed by the light. Sitting on the desk is a stack of papers and a lamp, while the shelves are filled with numerous books of different genres, but the majority appears to be journals.

I was almost tempted to pluck one off the shelf to read what Mephiles could've written, but the feeling of me not belonging in here prevents me from doing so. Looking back at the desk, I spot a black, leather journal sitting on the middle of it. I reach out towards it only to be distracted by a sound coming from the front door. It sounded like the wooded object was swung open followed my multiple thuds. I abandon the book and leave the room, being sure to shut the door behind me, so it could seem like I've never touched the room.

I'm worried, though. What if the trio decided to break in? My eyes widen in surprise, however, when I see Mephiles collapsed on the living room floor. My gaze then falls on the door, which was opened without force. Perhaps he had a key? I kneel beside the dark haired male, who pants heavily to catch his breath.

"Mephiles, what happened?"

He doesn't answer, only pained sounds escaping him.

"Everything's gonna be fine," I comfort in a calm voice, though, I'm panicking on the inside. I slip my arms under his armpits and roll him onto his back before standing with wobbly legs.

'Damn, he's so heavy!' Slowly and carefully, I drag the male's body towards his room and manage to get him onto the bed. I set the upper body on the mattress first before putting up one foot at a time. I lean back while pressing my palms against my back until I hear a small pop from my spine . I look at his face and disheveled hair to find him unconscious. I brush away the dark strands of hair away from his pale face as heavy breaths escape his lips. I note a few scratches covering his flesh, making my concern grow.

'I wonder what happened? I'll have to ask later.' I remove his shoes, setting them on the side of the bed, so the mattress wouldn't get dirtied up by them, before throwing the blanket over him. It was then that I noticed my own exhaustion. It had taken quite a bit of energy to get Mephiles in here and onto the bed.

Something seemed a bit off about his weight, but I shake my head to clear myself of the thought. Perhaps I expected him to be lighter due to the thin frame? I sigh and close the curtains to send the room into darkness before shutting the bedroom door. Claude slips in before it shuts and jumps up onto the bed. He makes himself comfortable on top of the male's chest, which, I will admit, was cute. A light giggle escapes me as I slip under the covers myself and take a nap.

'Too bad I don't have a camera.'

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