Unwanted Visitors

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

Three men make their way towards Mephiles' place of residence with hope that the maiden inside would still be there. The trio is composed of Sonic, Shadow, and Silver. In the blue haired male's arms is a particular feline that belongs to the female. The cat struggles in his grip, but he was managing fairly well. All have high hopes that Y/N would come with them, but there was doubt. Shadow is almost completely positive that she will push them away,

but he is determined to take her away from the villain's hold.

Shadow's POV:

As we near the home of that damn creature, I can't help but wonder why Y/N thought she'd be safe with Mephiles. That look of fear in her eyes when he threatened her life was enough to convince me that she was not fully aware of his true personality. He's been playing with her mind, and that only makes me angrier.

'Why must it be him? Of all the people who've gone against us, it just had to be Mephiles.' A low growl escapes my throat, but the others don't seem to hear it. Faker is occupied by the damn cat, and Silver is lost in thought. I know we all are worried about her. I may not show it outwardly, but I'm concerned for her safety as well. Mephiles is dangerous. After we reach the front door, Silver gives it a firm knock to gain the attention of whoever's inside.

'This had better work. If not, then I'll just have to go to plan B.' Plan B was something I haven't informed the two other males of. They wouldn't approve of it and would prevent me from acting on it.

'Y/N will be saved no matter what. I won't let Mephiles get his way.'

Your POV:

The next morning I awaken to the sun's warm rays shining on my face. Though the heat gave off a pleasant feeling, the brightness was far less desirable. I groan in annoyance as I squint my eyes and sit up to get away from the light. I ruffle my hair a bit to wake up my sleepy mind before throwing the covers off my body and getting off the bed. I leave the room to get to the kitchen, so I can make myself something to eat for breakfast. After searching the cabinets, I find a box of generic Froot Loops. I shrug my shoulders and grab it. There isn't much food here in the first place, so the sugary cereal should suffice.

'I should ask Mephiles to get more food when he comes back.' I fill a bowl with the box's contents before putting it back in the cabinet. I then open the fridge to grab milk and pour that over the cereal in the bowl before putting it back in the cool environment. I take my bowl into the living room and sit on the couch. A content sigh escapes me as I reach over to the coffee table to grab the T.V. remote. Before I could even touch the device, there's a loud knock on the front door. Don't you just hate it when you get an interruption right after sitting down?

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" I grumble under my breath as I put my bowl down. I cautiously approach the door.

'Has Mephiles decided to come back early, or is this an intruder?' I have no way to check, sadly. There are no windows near the door. I would have to pull it open and see for myself. I grab the knob and turn it before slowly opening the door.

I only open it slightly, so I can peek out and see who has disturbed my moment of peace. My eyes widen slightly in surprise when I find Silver, Shadow, and Sonic standing there. They soon narrow into a light glare as I meet their gaze. Before they can utter a word, I slam the door shut and lock it. I wasn't about to let them in here after Mephiles specifically ordered me not to allow anyone inside. I press my back against the door and cross my arms.

"What do you want?"

"Y/N, we're really sorry! We came here to talk, nothing more," explains Silver in a pleading voice.

"Please, go away," I demand seriously. I don't want to get in trouble because of them, and I don't want them getting hurt because of me. Mephiles won't exactly be thrilled if he knew they're standing outside his door right now.

"We've brought you something," he adds softly. Curiously, I unlock the door and open it a bit to see what he was referring to. I scan over them to see if they were carrying anything, and, sure enough, they were. Sonic struggles to hold Claude in his arms, while the feline claws at the athletic male's face. I open the door fully and rush towards him to stop the cat from causing more damage to the blue haired man. The cat settles in my arms, but continues to growl while directing his angered gaze towards Sonic.

"I really hate that cat," Sonic mutters while rubbing his scratched cheek. My eyebrow twitches, and I gently slap him in the back of the head for that comment.

"Hey!" He rubs the back of his head with a pout on his lips.

"Where is he?" Shadow quietly asks, clearly sorry for frightening me. I sigh softly, avoiding their gaze, as I affectionately scratch the top of Claude's head.

"He...went out," I reply, being cautious of my wording. My answer had been too vague, however, for they gave me a look that urges me to elaborate. I don't respond to their unasked question and look down. Silver sighs upon seeing this and decides to break the unsettling silence.

"You aren't going to be safe here, Y/N. I really think you should come back with us. He can be very manipulative, and I just know he's using you for something evil."

"I know...I know he's just using me, but I won't leave him. Mephiles is weak. He told me you guys are the reason he's like this, and, frankly, I don't care if it is your fault. He said I can help him recover, and I don't know about you three, but I can't hold a person's death on my shoulders when I have the ability save them..." I pause and look down again.

"Even if it means belonging to him," my face reddens slightly in embarrassment. I said that last part quietly, but that doesn't mean they didn't hear it. A look of pure shock appears on their faces.

'Maybe I shouldn't have said that?'

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