Unwanted Visitor

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•Y/N: Your Name

Adam's POV:

I stir from my fantastic sleep due to something, or someone, moving on the bed. I was in a tired daze, so it took me a minute to realize it must be Y/N. I turn over to look at her and see what's with all the movement. I find her curled up with her knees to her chest and a light smile on her lips. She must be having a nice dream.

A content sigh escapes my lips as I settle on staring at her for a bit longer. She's so pretty. I'm glad I finally got the nerve to ask her to come over, and who would've thought we'd actually be sharing a bed? My cheeks turn a bright red as the smile on my lips grows larger. Deciding to be bold, I scoot a bit closer and drape an arm around her waist.

She doesn't stir; in fact, she nestles against me. I'm about to run my fingers through her hair until an awful sound pierces my eardrums. I pull away from her to cover my ears before sitting up to see where that horrible noise came from. The whole world seems to stop once I meet the culprit's dual colored eyes. They're red and green and glow like Christmas lights. Leaving scratch marks on my wall are sharp, crystalline claws that look as sharp as a knife. The lower half of its body was consumed by the wall, submerged in shadow. The creature looked ready to push itself out completely and rip me to shreds. It's glaring right at me with hatred in those glowing eyes. I gulp, finding myself paralyzed with fear.

'What the hell is that thing?!' It releases a growl before speaking, though, the being has no mouth to talk out of.

"Get your filthy hands off her," they demand in a deep voice that leads me to believe it's male, though, it was barely above a whisper. I move myself away from Y/N's body slowly as to not trigger the creature to come after me. He watches with calculative eyes as I get off the bed. I'm absolutely terrified right now, but I wasn't about to let that show, so I put on a brave face. Suddenly, a thought came to mind.

"A- Are you that thing that's been watching Y/N?" If he had a mouth, it'd definitely be curled into a smirk right now according to that gleam in his eyes.

"Why, yes, I am, and I don't like it when people like you think it's fine to interfere with my plans."

"Your plans?"

'What is this thing talking about?' I narrow my eyes in suspicion.

"What kind of plans?" A dark chuckle escapes him as the rest of his body walks out from the wall. He was incredibly slouched, but that didn't make him any less intimidating. My body trembles slightly, and I hope to god it's not that noticeable.

"Take a look at the back of her neck," he ushers, confusing me.

"Huh? Why?" I raise a brow at the creature, discreetly using my foot to search for my baseball bat that I kept beneath my bed. Maybe if I can grab it, I can at least fight this thing if he comes near me.

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