Let it Begin

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•Y/N: Your Name

Mephiles' POV:

I step inside my bedroom and set Y/N's body down gently on top of the mattress.

 I leave the unconscious girl there, while I look for bandages to wrap her arms in

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I leave the unconscious girl there, while I look for bandages to wrap her arms in. I found some in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. This actually isn't my house. I merely disposed of its previous residents, an old man and his wife, who were easy to take down. It was close to Y/N's home and convenient because it's very isolated.

I kneel down beside her body and start with the left arm before moving onto the right. I sigh as I finish up cleaning and bandaging Y/N's wounds and have a seat on the mattress beside her. I rub my tired eyes before running a hand through my hair. It's very late, and I haven't slept for two days straight. I'm very tired.

'Perhaps I should rest and carry out the plan in the morning?' I sigh in irritation, but I suppose I can't do anything properly without the proper amount of sleep. I look down at my sleeping pawn.

'She's exhausted as well. I might as well wait.' I stand up and walk towards the recliner I dragged into the bedroom from the living room a few days ago. I sit in it and bring my right foot up to sit on top of my left knee while holding up my head using my left hand. My elbow was propped up on the cushioned armrest. My eyes pin to the sleeping girl's form.

If it were any other time, I'd sleep beside her, but I'd rather not have her wake up to me with my arms wrapped around her body. She doesn't know me well enough yet and will likely be a little disoriented when she wakes up again. There's also the point that she'd probably wake me up, and I'd rather not have my sleep disturbed considering that I don't get very much of it. My eyelids grow heavy, and I shut my eyes.

Her form is the last thing I see before slipping into a dreamless sleep.

Your POV:

My eyes flutter open, and a small yawn escapes me as I sit up. I'm sure to cover my mouth to block it out of instinct. I blink a few times in confusion when I find myself in an unfamiliar room. My gaze soon lands on Mephiles, who slept soundly on a recliner on the right side of the bed. I feel immediate relief upon seeing him there.

'This must be his house.' I glance around again and find an alarm clock with red numbers that claims it's four in the morning. I rub my eyes and notice my bandaged arms. It was sloppy work, but good enough to hold. In the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of Mephiles' body twitching every now and again as low growls left his throat.

I wonder if he's cold, since it's a little chilly in the room. Moving silently, I remove the blankets from my body and grab the top one. I bunch it in my arms as I approach him before covering the front of him with it. His twitching and growling stops suddenly, and I worried that I might've woken him, but he doesn't open his eyes or anything. I smile lightly, feeling thankful for him saving me.

'He actually looks kind of cute like this.' My smile falters as a light blush appears on my cheeks. I rub them slightly as though it would wipe the pink hue away.

'The hell am I thinking? I don't even know him that well.' I bite the inside of my cheek as I stare down at him. I couldn't help myself from bending down and planting a light kiss on top of his head. My face becomes hotter as I walk away from him to get back into the cozy bed. I wrap myself tightly in the thin blanket that was beneath the one I put on the black haired teen and face away from him.

'Why did I do that?' I sigh and close my eyes.

'I'm hopeless. Who the hell gets a crush on a guy they know nothing about?'

Mephiles' POV:

My eyes open slightly when I felt something touch the top of my head. I catch Y/N tucking herself back into the bed with her back facing me and look down. Covering my body is a blanket. A light smile touches my lips as a warm feeling fills my chest.

'What is this? Am I actually growing attached? How curious.' I slip back into sleep after shutting my eyes again. I wake up again around an hour later, and there was no hope of going back to sleep. I get up from the recliner with a groan, letting the blanket fall to the floor and pool around my feet. 

I stretch my arms out in front of me before bringing them above my head until I feel a satisfying pop in the center of my back. I should've slept in a different position. I walk over to the nearest wall and concentrate on opening a portal to Möbius. Once it opens, I walk over to Y/N and pick up her body. I stumble slightly, for the energy I used for the portal had drained me.

I'm still not at full strength yet. The portal closes after I walk through it. It took us to where the blue imbecile runs by every morning. This was the perfect spot to leave her. I set her down on the grass, leaning her back against the trunk of a tree. A groan slips past her lips, but she doesn't open her eyes.

"No, don't go," she mutters, still mostly asleep. I chuckle lightly, but I did have to leave her before I'm seen. I lean in and plant a light kiss on her cheek before whispering softly in her ear.

"I'll come back for you soon, my dove. I'm not leaving; you just won't see me."

Her fingers brush against my gloved ones. I set my hand on top of hers before continuing to speak softly.

"Be a good little spy for me."

She jolts forward when I lightly tap the crystal behind her neck to force her to fall back asleep. Her body falls completely limp like I pressed a reset button. In a way, I did. She won't remember a thing when she wakes up, not even me. I take to hiding in the shadow of a tree that's not too far away from her body. I would've hid in her shadow, but then those heroes would sense me. To them, I'm dead, and I'd like it to stay that way for now.

'Take care, my dove. I'll see you in your nightmares.'

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