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Your POV:

Before I had time to even think, Shadow leaped into action, standing in front of me protectively as the robots rush towards us. He points his gun at them and doesn't hesitate to pull the trigger, taking down the tin cans one by one.

"Get inside, now!" He demands firmly, not taking his eyes off the metallic beings that continue to attack. Soon Sonic and Silver join in on the fight, while Amy, Cream, and I make a break for the house, running as fast as we can. However, Amy is suddenly picked up by a giant, metal claw. She lets out a loud scream as she's lifted into the air while struggling to move, for her arms were held tightly against her sides.

I pause momentarily and watch as it takes off with her, which was a bad idea because I was the next to get captured. Something metal clamped around my waist before following the lead of the robot that took Amy. The wind blew my hair all over the place due to the speed the robot was flying at. It was even powerful enough to blow Cream's drawing right out of my pocket. It wasn't long until we were taken to some sort of fortress made entirely of metal. Our robotic captors enter the building through an opening before suddenly releasing us from their firm grasp. Screams escape our mouths as we fall to a metal floor. I land flat on my stomach, which sent waves of pain throughout my body.

"Son of a..." I grunt and inhale sharply as I turn over onto my back. "Sweet mother Hubbard, that hurt!"

"Y/N, are you okay?" Amy asks worriedly as she pushes herself up. She didn't appear as effected from the fall as me.

"Never better," I say sarcastically. A metal door suddenly lifts to reveal a large silhouette that began to walk towards us.

"Well, well, well! I don't believe we've met. Looks like that blue pest has a new friend, and that makes you the perfect bait!" The shadows fade from the walrus as he steps into the light and... Wait a minute. Hold up. I squint my eyes and look them over again before my eyes widen in realization.

'Oh, that's a man? Wow! I have got to start thinking clearly.' I was almost tempted to laugh, but I did know that this situation was serious. Two different robots grab our arms and held them behind our backs as they led us to a cell. I definitely have a bruise on one of my shoulders from the fall, for it hurt when it was pulled.

We were tossed inside the prison before the door was closed on us. A panicked and frustrated groan escapes my lips as I pace back and forth to think and calm down. I've never been in this situation before, at least, I think I haven't? Amy takes a seat on the floor and watches me pace. I don't know how she can keep calm. Maybe she's trying to not freak me out?

"What's going to happen to us? Who was that guy?"

"His name is Eggman. Don't worry; we'll be fine. Sonic will save us!" She claims before drifting off into a daydream about Sonic saving us heroically. I know because she'd mutter a few things with a dreamy smile on her face. She must like him.

I sigh, realizing that panicking will get me nowhere. I take a seat and bring my knees to my chest before wrapping my arms around them. I turn my gaze up towards the ceiling as I waited and waited. Hours must've passed. Amy even fell asleep on the floor. I sigh and decide to follow her lead. I lean my head against the wall and shut my eyes.

It wasn't long before I slipped into sleep.


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