Chapter 1

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Nanami's View-

Oops. I did it again. Why am I so clumsy?! Sadly, I had spilled yet another bowl of Sake, it dribbled down the front of my sweater, making me sticky.
   I hoped Tomoe didn't walk in. He somehow always seems to know what to say to make me feel bad, it infuriates me. I sat there fuming, drink in hand, contemplating my existence and everything around me. I hated getting mad. It was unnecessary to be so angry at everything like a certain white fox. I like being happy, and I've been told it suits me. And yet I couldn't help but hate everything at this exact moment. Ok, I told myself, you're ok. I stood up and walked to my room, and yet I was worried about him. As usual, we had gotten into an argument, over the stupidest thing. Cookies. I feel bad now, but he knows my favorite flavor of cookie is white chocolate macadamia nut. He then proceeds to call me racist and a bad character. Grrrrrrr. I was still worried about him, and even though I may deny it, I still loved him with all my heart. I knew he didn't feel the same way, and I was okay with that.
So as I walked down the hallway, or more accurately waddled, since the Sake had dried and was sticking to my clothes. I got into my room and closed the door behind me, because even though I was certain I was alone, after getting assaulted several times, I was NOT taking any chances.
I put on a t-shirt and checked my new phone. Every time I looked at my phone I giggled. I remember having to drag Tomoe to the phone store, and him helping me pick one out. We had settled on a black iPhone, so I could keep up with school friends. Funny, ever since I moved to the shrine, I had made so many friends.
I made my way back to the kitchen, where I looked out the window and saw my favorite two yokai's raking the courtyard. I smiled, and I think my heart grew a little bit more, if that's possible.

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