Chapter 13

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  Dinner ended on a silent affair, everyone lost in their own thoughts on the way home. Me, on the other hand, was trying not to giggle at the snow. The snowflakes were perfect little indentions in the sky, and they were falling perfectly onto the ground. Every time I caught one, I would stop and watch it melt, observing how the water dripped off of my hand. The sky was dark and stormy, and the temperature had to be below zero.
We were halfway home when I heard the shout behind me.
"Hey lady!" The mysterious voice said.
I turned around and was perplexed to see the girl from the restaurant, running at me. I broke away from the group, walking to the girl. Now that I wasn't yelling at her boyfriend, I got a good look at her. She had plum covered hair, almost pink, and it ran down her back like a waterfall, beautiful and perfect.
"Hi!" She exclaimed. "I wanted to thank you for standing up for me in there. I've been trying to break up with him forever."
"Oh, it was nothing, I just don't like people hurting others." I said, in a-matter-of-fact tone.
"Well, I just wanted to say thank you, honestly I've been trying to get out of that relationship for a long time now so this is great!"
"Oh, well you're welcome, I guess." I told her, a little more awkwardly than I liked.
She smiled at me and asked for my number, and while we were switching them, I couldn't help but ask.
"What's your name?" I asked, trying not to be nosy.
"Oh, my names Makoto!"
"Well it's nice to meet you, Makoto. My names Nanami." I smiled at her, saving the number she gave me on her phone.
After our goodbyes, I told my group that I had last minute Christmas shopping to do. Everyone complied, and I told Mizuki to take them home while Tomoe and I shopped. After glaring at Tomoe, we watched as they walked away, leaving just the fox and I.
"Ready?" I asked him.
"Of course. But why do we have to spend our alone time shopping? Why can't we go home and find a nice closet to spend our time in?" He whispered in my ear, and I felt my entire face go numb with heat.
I pulled away, trying to conceal the smile hidden behind my lips. Tomoe said things like this, but he was a sweetheart.
We started walking, and I entwined my fingers with his, not wanting to let go. I wouldn't ever let go, it didn't matter if I were dying, I wasn't going to ever let go of loving him. It felt amazing, confronting it, the love, and knowing he returned it. We were connected, I knew that much, and it felt amazing. I looked at him, the way the snow fell in perfect harmony around his face, creating a whirlwind of beauty.
He looked back at me, a tender smile showing on his lips, and I had the urge to kiss him, long and slow, the kind of kiss you only read about in books. I felt my head lean in before my mind could register what was happening. I crushed my lips to his, and it took a second before I felt him kiss back. We were in the middle of the street, people were looking at us. I felt his hand resting dangerously low on my back, and I pulled away before anything else could happen.
"Can we finish that later?" A mischievous look crossed the fox's, and I turned red, grabbing his hand and pulling him with me.
I thought about what I was going to buy for our guests, I couldn't ignore the fact they were staying for Christmas. I had already gotten Tomoe something, and I felt excitement coursing through me just thinking about it. I had bought him a ring, the kind men wore on their pinkies, small and absolutely beautiful.
It was a silver band that had the effect of entwining on it, but on the inside it had three small words. I love you. I had almost started crying in the jewelry store, I was so relieved to find something.
I still had no idea what to buy the others, but I was hoping he would help me on that one.
"What do you think they want for Christmas?" I asked him, my breaths coming out in tiny puffs of air.
Tomoe just shrugged and I frowned, he was doing this on purpose.
"I have no idea what to get them, I guess I'll have to improvise."
Before the fox could pop out another insult, I saw the shop. It was obviously made for men, with the college guys walking out, and the sign that said, We specialize in making men out of children. I pulled Tomoe towards it, and I hesitated walking in, the shop looked weird as hell.
The door was completely black, and there were skulls lining the windows.
"Why exactly are we going in here? It looks like a brothel." Tomoe asked, and I honestly didn't have an answer for him.
We walked in, and I regretted it immediately. We were the only people in there that weren't in black. People looked at us oddly as we walked around, flashes of color among the demons around us. Tomoe's grip became tighter around my shoulders as we walked up to sales associate, a girl, with so many piercings and tattoos that her original skin was probably gone.
"Can you tell me what to get? I'm doing last minute Christmas shopping, and I need help." I mustered every piece of hardness in me to say it, and the associate seemed please with it.
She helped us looked, and Tomoe's arm never left its place around me, his body a soft barrier behind me. I eventually picked out a watch and cologne, and some other thing that was practically thrusted against me by the girl. I walked out of there pleased, and I detached myself from Tomoe as we walked home.
"Can we watch a movie when we get home?" I asked.
"Of course." Tomoe said, and I smiled. He was sweet when he didn't want to be, it was adorable.
We got home and realized no one else was up.
"They didn't wait on us." I pouted.
"Not a bad thing." Tomoe said, and his hand wrapped around my wrist as he led me to the bedroom. I wasn't backing down, I wanted to watch The Fault In Our Stars. I'd just finished the book, and after sobbing for at least three hours, I wanted to watch the movie.
"I'm going to get ready for bed, and then we are watching the movie."
This time it was Tomoe who pouted, and I watched him stomp into the bathroom. I followed him, grabbing my pajamas and changing. I threw my clothes into the hamper and put my hair up. I knew it would be stupid to take a shower, and I just didn't even want to put the effort into it.
I walked into the living room and set the movie up, pulling a blanket on me and getting comfortable. I waited for Tomoe, and I hoped he wouldn't stand me up.
My thoughts were soothed as I heard him walked him in, and he sat next to me, his arm automatically encircling me. I started the movie, and he watched it intently. Me, I was watching him, tracing the curve of his face with my eyes. He was beautiful to me, better than anything I'd ever known. And now he was mine.

HI GUYS!!! Sorry for the delay, schools been absolutely crazy!!! I just haven't felt like writing, and if the rest of the chapters are late, I'm sorry!!!
Have fun

Peace out 👻

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