Chapter 22

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Hey guys

I don't remember when I fell asleep, but when I woke up, it was completely dark. And I was in bed. My thoughts went to Tomoe, and I felt beside me. I felt a hand, and I smiled. Was he still mad? Excitement coursed through me. It was Christmas. My first Christmas, the first one that I was actually going to celebrate. The first one with him.
• • • • • • • • •
"Tomoe." I whined. It was at least nine, and he still wasn't awake.
"Leave me alone woman." I heard him grumble, and I giggled.
"Heh." I laughed. I really wanted to get up. I wondered if Santa had come in the night.
About ten minutes later if tossing and turning, I gave up on sleeping.
"Either way, I'm getting up. I guess you won't get your present..." I purred.
"You got me something?" Tomoe shot up in bed, the covers falling off him.
"Of course I did." I said, walking over to the drawer.
"Close your eyes."
Would he even like it? Would it seem like I was asking him to marry me?
"Keep them closed." I commanded. This was going to be special.
I checked to make sure the ring was still there and went to sit across from him. I took the ring out slowly, careful not to make any noise. I held it out, and said the words. "Open your eyes."
His eyes slowly opened, revealing the violet I loved so much. He saw the ring, and I smiled.
"This is...mine?" He asked, and for the first time, I heard uncertainty in his smooth voice.
He took it from me, staring at it.
"It's beautiful Nanami."
"It took me forever to pick it out." I breathed. He liked it.
I melted under his teary gaze, basking in it. Two arms wrapped around me, warm and certain. I'd never felt more love.
"Might as well get up." I suggested.
I giggled, but I was still kind of upset about the conversations we had.
My mind shifted into Responsible God Mode, because today Suiruo and Giro were leaving. It made me sad, but I had to admit, things had almost been awkward with them here. I took one last peak at Tomoe, who had a pillow over his head. Was this how it felt to be in love?
• • • • • • • • •
"Bye!!" Mizuki and I shouted, waving goodbye to our guests. They waved back, their forms receding. I heard Tomoe sigh from behind me, from what I didn't know.
"Good riddance." I heard him mutter. He really was starting to get on my nerves.
"I have to go out." I said, walking into the shrine. That was my escape route. Going somewhere to forget my complicated relationship with Tomoe, who I wasn't supposed to be with in love with anyway.
An idea hatched in my brain. The perfect way to detox, or whatever I needed at the moment. There was a party-a big party, in one of the most talked about clubs in Japan. I searched through my closet, attempting to find a suitable dress. I had nothing. My best outfit was my school uniform, because I had never spent any money on myself.
I decided on black pants with a white blouse, my leather jacket topping it off. It wasn't my best, but I wasn't looking for attention. I grabbed my phone, checking the time.
I walked out of the shrine with an air I'd never had before: confidence. Tomoe stared at me as I floated past, a confused expression on his face. I guess I looked as different as I felt. And to me, that was wonderful.
• • • • • •
I walked down the street, pushing past the crowds of people going home from work. I could hear the booms of the music from where I was, and I realized that I was in trouble. I didn't have an ID. I was eighteen, meaning I couldn't drink, couldn't get into many bars or clubs. Maybe I was going to have to sneak my way in.

Oh well.



Thanks so much!! I love all of you.

Peace out ✌🏻

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