Chapter 23

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     I tried to scope the area I was around, looking for any entry possible. Go home idiot, where Tomoe is. Every part of me was screaming to leave and get back to the shrine, but my pride got ahead of me. Stalking up the door, I tried to look as old as possible.
     "I'm sorry, we don't serve kids here." The bouncer said, a menacing look on his face.
     "I'm not a kid. I'm eighteen years old." I mustered the courage, but still sounded like a four year old on drugs.
     "Oh that's good, then I'm sure you have some I.D. then."
Shit, I thought. "Of course I do."
     "Then show me." He smirked. A plan was forming in my head. I pretended to reach in my pocket, but as soon as he looked away, I darted into the club.
     "Hey!! Get back here!!" He yelled at me. I ran until I was sure he couldn't find me through the mass of bodies dancing.
     Catching my breath, I looked around me. People were dancing hautily, laughing and carrying on. I felt extremely out of place in such a gaudy club. I felt the same twing of guiltiness as earlier, but I needed to break. Tomoe was overpowering, possessive, and somewhat cruel. He obviously didn't like the idea that I had other friends.
     I didn't dance exactly, it was more like an awkward shuffle in the corner. The urge to stay by myself became more and more obvious, seeing that I gave everyone who tried to talk to me a dirty look.
     Sighing, I walked to the bar. Looking at the menu, which was filled with titles  I had never heard of, I ordered a Coke. The bartender gave me a weird look and pulled a can out of the fridge.
     Taking it from him, I moved to the dancefloor, where no one would notice me. Falling in step with the music, I found myself missing Tomoe even more. He had become my everything, I couldn't bear to be mad at him any longer. And if he were upset with me, how could I even handle that?
     As I stood there, awkwardly drinking my soda, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I saw a dark haired man smiling at me. His features were quite beautiful, with blue eyes and raven hair.
     "Uhm, hi." I stuttered.
     "What's your name?" He asked suddenly. I could barely hear him over the pounding music.
     "Nanami. Yours?" This was not good. What if someone saw me from school? Or what if it looked like we were dating?
     "My names Ren. You know you are quite beautiful. You should come with me." He purred.
    Before I could say anything, I heard a "ahem" sound from behind him. Looking up, I gasped. Tomoe was standing there, looking extremely furious.
     "May I ask what you're doing?" His voice strangely calm, which couldn't mean anything good. His eyes locked with mine, but instead of being mad, he just gave me a comforting look. Everything would be okay.
     "I'm talking to this girl. You have a problem with it?" Ren said cockily.
     "I do actually. You see, that's my
fiancè you have your paws on." He said suredly. My heart stopped in my chest. Did he just call me his fiancè? He hasn't asked me or anything, I thought.
     "Well obviously she doesn't want you if she's here my friend." That's when Tomoe looked at me, a question written on his face.
     Do you want me? I heard him ask in my mind.
     Yes. Was all I could muster. When I said that, Tomoe swooped in, lifting me up and sprinting out the door at breakneck speed. He ran until we got to a secluded side street, where he put me down and stopped in front of me.
     "I was only saying you were my fiancè to get him off you. Unless you...want to be that." My heart shattered into pieces. I ran into him, hugging Tomoe from behind.
     "I do, Tomoe, I do. Let me be that. You can be my fiancè too." I smiled, tears welling in my eyes. I cried so much, and now I was crying from happiness. He turned around and pulled me to him, stroking my hair.
     "I love you, Nanami."
     "I love you too." We walked back to the shrine hand in hand. Everything was the same and yet everything had changed, all because of him.

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