Chapter 15

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  Waking up is hard, especially when you have a natural heating blanket wrapped around you. I pondered even getting up, but I really needed to go jogging. I untangled myself and Tomoe groaned, grabbing me. I gasped as he pulled me back down, muttering.
  "Five more minutes." He grumbled, and I smiled.
  "You stay in bed then, I have to get up." I crooned. He was such a knuckle head.
  He muttered again and I pulled myself away. I got ready, putting on warmer jogging clothes. I left another note, saying:

Tomoe, I went jogging, I'll be back soon. May we have pancakes for breakfast? Don't worry, see you soon. I love you.

  I hoped the note was convincing enough, I was told he worried about me a lot. I still hadn't talked to him about getting a job, but I really wanted one. I giggled, putting my hair up. The reason I wanted a job in the first place was to get my mind off him, and now I didn't need to. Because he was mine.
  Mine to keep. I loved it.
  I tried to repress a smile as I exited the shrine. Keeping away from Tomoe, not touching him all the time, it was torture. I didn't know how I did it so long ago, keeping my feelings hidden. It was agony just being in different rooms. I wanted to look at him, to breathe him in. What the hell was I going to do when school started again? I honestly didn't like the idea of him coming with me, all those girls crushing on him.
  I frowned and turned my music up, looking to make sure other people didn't notice. I had woken up too late, and the city had been shook. People were dodging me as I ran, giving me mean looks.
  "Sorry!" I shouted to one lady, who was walking her dog. There was enough room on the sidewalk for two, why'd she have to pick my side?
  I ran for about thirty minutes before collapsing on the grass. My times were getting better. I was going longer, and getting faster. Good.
  I walked back, looking at the sky. Even though it was almost eight thirty, the sun was just barely rising. I picked up my pace as the shrine came nearer, and I realized all the lights were still off. Sleepy heads, I thought.
  I couldn't crawl back into bed, no matter how much I wanted to. I crept into our room and looked at the bed. Tomoe was still sleeping, snoring slightly. He was adorable, the way he was mumbling. As I turned on the shower, I could've sworn I heard him say my name.
                    • • • • • • •
  "It's almost Christmas Eve!" I exclaimed, running around the kitchen.
Everyone was alive and energetic, waiting for the day to begin. I had woken Tomoe up once I was ready, and he wasn't happy. He was still grumpy, but he seemed to cheer up when I kissed his cheek once everyone left the room. Our time together went like that, stealing kisses and hugs when no one was looking. I didn't like it, but I also didn't like fights, and I couldn't stay away from him.
  We sat down together, and I almost drooled at the food in front of me. Pancakes. I smirked at Tomoe, knowing he read my note. We said different prayers, and then everyone dug in.
  The pancakes were delicious, soft and cooked just enough to be golden brown. No talking was done, only the sound of glass clinking and chewing was audible. I finished quickly, scarfing down my entire plate. I wanted more, but I scolded myself. You just went jogging, don't throw it away. But it looked so good.
  I thought about what we could do today instead, weighing my options. I wanted to go to that new amusement park, but I also didn't want to spend that much money...
"Ok. So today, I was thinking that we go to that new amusement park opening up near here!" I said. I felt excitement course up in me, I had wanted to go forever now. I'd heard it had so many attractions!
"Please, Nanami, I don't want to be a bother, but can you explain what an amusement park is?" Suiruo asked me, and I grinned.
"Sure! An amusement park is this big, well, park! It has lots of roller coasters and games and things to do. It's really fun, though I've only been two times!"
"Oh. It seems fun. I'm in." Suiruo answered, making my grin go even bigger.
"What about you Giro?" I asked the Tengu, and he stuttered.
"I-It's f-fine w-with me!"
"Yay!" Finally, I was getting the chance to have fun, and with people I liked.
Tomoe was unresponsive, it worried me. Usually he had a smart remark, but he was just staring at me. His face was expressionless.
"Oh Nanami, you have the best ideas!" Mizuki praised me, and I blushed. The idea was just a whim from a commercial on TV.
"Thanks Mizuki. We can leave right after breakfast. You all need to wear regular clothes, though. You can borrow some of Tomoe's!" I suggested. Tomoe gave me a look of utter betrayal, anger flashing across his face.
"Nanami, may I speak to you for a second?" He said, and I frowned.
I followed him to the hallway, and he turned to me. I knew he wouldn't be mean, he didn't do those kind of things anymore, did he?
"Why are you offering them my clothes?" He whispered loudly.
"They don't have any, and you can only wear one outfit at a time!" I exclaimed. I was getting angry, he always overreacted! Before I could say anything else, he kissed me. I was so surprised, I couldn't do anything at first. A couple seconds later, and my hands were wrapped around his neck. Our bodies were pressed together, like one.
"Hey, can we get those clothes no-?" Giro asked, walking into the hallway. He stopped, and I watched his eyes travel up our bodies to our mouths, which were still connected. He stammered, and we pulled apart. I jumped back, my face growing hot.
"I'm so sorry!" I yelled, but it was like he had froze. His eyes were locked on Tomoe, who was standing there emotionless. My world crumbled, I didn't want him to think of me any different, but I knew his feelings for me were somewhere they shouldn't be.
  "I-I'm sorry!" He exclaimed, and backed out of the room. Tomoe was smiling and I felt angry at him. He didn't want anyone to touch me, but I was bound to know other people.
  "Tomoe." I whispered.
  I watched as the yokai's face fell, and he hugged me in that way he did. With his whole body, his face buried in my hair. I couldn't stay mad at him.
  "Tomoe." I said again, harder.
  "Why'd you do that?"
  "I didn't do anything, he walked in on a private discussion." He cooed.
  "How in any way was that private?" I said, pulling away from him.
  I sighed, he wasn't backing down.
  "I'm going to get those clothes."
  The fox stuck his tongue out at me, and I smiled. I walked into our room and grabbed two outfits, making sure they matched. Fashion wasn't something I was good at, but I tried.
I lay them out and then made my way back into the living room, where everyone was waiting for me.
"I got you guys clothes!"
Suiruo smiled at me. "Thank you, Nanami."
Giro just stuttered an unintelligible response. I smiled, I knew today would be very interesting.
• • • • • • • •
We left shortly after everyone was ready, leaving to find a subway. I wondered if Kurama was coming, but I hadn't seen him, and he hadn't called. Something was going on, what, I didn't know. I cringed as we sat down on the train. There weren't many people, but the place wasn't as nice as I thought it was going to be. Trash littered the bottom, and I saw a toddler spill some of his milk on the floor. I looked down at my hand, entangled with Tomoe's. Him and Giro were glaring at each other, and Mizuki was egging them on.
I didn't want people to fight over me. I knew who my choice was, he was right beside me. Tomoe. It would always be him. Always.

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