Chapter 3

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As I walked on the walk-way leading to town, I thought about him. How stunning, beautiful, and perfect he was. In my eyes, Tomoe had no flaws. I wish he felt the same about me. I know I was annoying and clumsy, but I would never forget how he rejected me, how it scarred me for life. I thought about Hememiko and her lover, how in love they were, and it made me sad to think about how I was the only one who felt that way.
By the time my mind had settled, I was already in town. I walked down to the café where I usually went to, and opened the door, causing a welcoming ringtone to go off. I walked up to the cash register, looking at the menu before looking at the cashier, a short raven haired man who glared at me. Sheesh-talk about bad costumer service.
"How can I help you?", he said forcefully, and I wondered bitterly how he kept his job.
"Oh! I just want a caramel macchiato with a shot of espresso."
"Is that all?"
"Yeah, thank you!", I said, signaling the end of the conversation, I didn't want to make my bad day rain on this man who looked like he was having a way worse day...
Before I could leave the register to sit down and wait, a tall brunette boy who looked about 22 came up to me with a drink in his hand.
"Hey, are you Nanami?", he asked.
"Yeah that's me.", I said curiously, I mean he looked like he worked here, with the apron and all.
"Good. We had your exact order already made, some lady said we made it wrong, but we saved it. Don't worry, it's still hot. And I wanted to apologize for my boyfriend, he's having a bad day."
This explanation took me off guard. I honestly had no words.
"It's ok! I'll take the coffee, what do I owe you? And your boyfriend's fine, I have someone dear to me who asks just like that!", I chuckled when I said that, thinking fondly of the fox at home, before remembering why I was taking time here, and my smile fell again.
"Thanks", he said,"And you don't owe anything, it's on me!"
"Are you sure? I'd be glad to pay for it."
"No it's my pleasure!"
"Well thank you! It was nice to meet you. What was your name I never caught it?"
"Oh. My name's Eren."
"Cool name. I'll see you later Eren!", I said, feeling a little better seeing someone who was so nice.
"See you too, Nanami!", he said nicely, before disappearing into the kitchen.
I smiled and pulled my laptop out of my book bag, another thing I had gotten when I got my cell phone. I checked Tumblr, contentedly sipping my coffee, convinced I looked like a pure hipster, all I needed was my glasses and a triangle.
I sat there, and I realized I wanted a job. It would bring in extra money, plus it would help keep my mind off of Tomoe. It could be worse, I could be laying in bed sulking, but no! I am a independent woman who doesn't need a man! I felt like raising my fist in the air, but then I realized how stupid I would look, so I did it anyway. I got several looks, and then simultaneously everyone's heads turned to outside, where it had started to snow. I gasped, it was the first snow this Christmas. I was so excited! I couldn't wait to put the lights up, to drink hot cider. I couldn't wait long enough to put the mistletoe up just so there might be a chance I would kiss him.
I packed my things up as the snow got heavier, thinking about where to go next. I promised Onikiri and Kotetsu I would get them something, and I thought about what. The best idea came across my mind all at once. What about bracelet's? They would look adorable in matching accessories, and I giggled thinking about it. I walked out of the café, burning the name into my mind, and wondering if they needed any part-time help. I knew Tomoe would argue over it, but I really wanted a job!
When I stepped out, I immediately regretted not wearing a heavier jacket. As I walked, shivering, my thoughts once again drifted to him, how he kept me warm those few times. I wish he were here, together, with me.

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