Chapter 19

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  I watched them leave, waving goodbye. I'd given the group a list of what to get, but honestly I just wanted some time alone. After they left, I put on "cleaning" clothes, meaning a button down shirt (Tomoe's) and socks. It was edgy, not something I would usually go for, but they weren't going to be home for awhile.
I put on music, grabbing a broom.
As I cleaned, the worst song came on, and I stopped dead in my tracks. The lyrics flowed through the room, making tears prick my eyes.

We know full well there's just time
So is it wrong to dance this line?
If your heart was full of love
Could you give it up?

'Cause what about, what about angels?
They will come, they will go, make us special

Don't give me up
Don't give... me up

How unfair, it's just our luck
Found something real that's out of touch
But if you'd searched the whole wide world
Would you dare to let it go?

'Cause what about, what about angels?
They will come, they will go, make us special

Don't give me up
Don't give... me up

'Cause what about, what about angels?
They will come, they will go, make us special

It's not about, not about angels, angels

My cleaning turned sad as I thought about the lyrics. Tomoe was going to live so much longer than me. By being together, I was hurting him. And when I died, Tomoe was going to be sad. I was fearful, just the thought of him mourning over me made my head spin.
Yet I couldn't let him go. I was selfish, but I was going to love him until I couldn't even walk.
My mood lifted once a happy song started playing. I sang along, cleaning every surface.

Oh how the mighty fall in love, the artist sang. I wondered what he meant.
I remembered the story that was told to us in elementary school about a prince that fell in love with a girl. The girl left her parents for this prince, but her family was hurt, so she left the prince. It ruined her being a away from her prince, so she went and saw him. He ended up kidnapping her and making her a princess. The myth always stayed with me, haunting me.
Would I do the same thing for Tomoe? Of course. I would throw myself off a cliff if it would save him. I wondered if he would do the same. I frowned at the thought, since I had literally thrown my self off a building after declaring my love to Tomoe, and being rejected. I didn't even command him to help me, and yet he threw himself off to save me.
  Memories like that were forever seared into my brain. Some I didn't want to remember. But there were those select few that I never wanted to forget.
  I stopped cleaning and looked around the room. I had made progress. Not the kind my Familiar's could do, but clean all the same. I took a break and just danced, letting all of the worry, petty stuff, but still worry, drain out of me. I grabbed a duster and started lip singing to be lyrics of an upbeat song.
  I was having so much fun, my worries melted away. It was a different kind of happiness. Not the kind I got when I was with Tomoe, but the kind that one gets when they're free. That's what I felt. Free.
  I was free...and so in love. It dawned on me that love was the most wonderful thing...and the most terrible thing. Love was being with the person you cared more for, but also doing foolish things for that person. Love was being scared to let go, scared to hold on.
  Love was beautiful fear. The most beautiful.
  I snapped out of the dreamy state I was in, filled with too violet eyes and the most gorgeous lips. As I walked to my room, planning on getting changed and starting lunch, my mind changed. I was never so...frivolous. I never daydreamed about him, and now he was all I saw when I closed my eyes. His smile, his arms, his body. Everything. I shivered from the cold, but my mind,(and my cheeks, I might add) was flaming.
  My stomach growled. I was really starting to regret sending Tomoe off to the grocery store. 1. Because I was hungry, and food wasn't my area of expertise. 2. I wanted him back with me, where girls couldn't fawn over him and flirt.
  I sighed, there was nothing I could do about it. Maybe once I gave him the Christmas present I got him, the girls would stop.
  Maybe I was giving away to much...
  I heard the door open, and talking filled the shrine. Correction, bickering.
  Tomoe was strangely quiet, but I really wanted to kiss him, so I kept as quiet as I could, walking out from my room.
  "Oh, you're back!" I said. The looks I got weren't very happy. Only Suiruo was smiling.
  Tomoe looked at me with desire written across his face. It made my heart speed up. I had to turn away, his eyes drew me in. If I didn't, I was going to be sucked down. Not that I hadn't already been taken down to places where I wasn't coming back from.

               • • • • • • • • • • • • •

  The rest of the day went by in a blur. We were all cooking, even Suiruo and Giro. There was a strange giddiness floating around the shrine. We were all so excited for Christmas. I exited the kitchen to take a break, and I made sure to drop every hint to the fox beside me to follow.
  I walked to my room, leaving the door ajar. I had to check to make sure it was still there. Tomoe's present. I had gotten him a ring. So cheesy, but it was stunning. I looked at it once more, the silver outlining, and the three words I meant with all my heart.

I love you.

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