Chapter 7

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I upload way too much...OH WELL!

  The first thing I noticed as I woke up was the beautiful light streaming in through the window. It shined on me, and I felt something weird. My breath caught in my throat as what happened dawned on me. I knew it was him, but I felt my face turn red as I felt his arms right around my waist. I felt our entangled legs, and his breath on my neck.
  I twisted around and looked at him. He looked so peaceful, his lips slightly apart, his face so serene. I smiled to myself, before burying my head in
his chest. I felt his heartbeat, and I channeled it to me, letting the steady rhythm surround me. I reached over slowly, careful not to wake him, and checked my phone, looking at the time. 7:34 A.M. I was glad we still had time to sleep, but I needed to get up. I quietly moved out of his arms, and I stood up. I took my notepad and a pen and wrote a note as to where I was going. I was going to jog a bit before the sun fully came up and people started getting up. The note looked something like this:

Dear Tomoe,
  I went running. If you wake up and I'm not here please don't be worried, I'll be back soon. Tell the others.
                                       With love,

  I walked quietly around the room, gathering things I needed. I got dressed in a sports bra and shorts, before tying my hair up. I walked out of the room and closed the door. It didn't seem like anyone else was up. I walked through the shrine, making sure doors were locked, and then I turned on my music and walked out the door.
  I started at a slow pace, not wanting to exert myself. I had put on my favorites playlist to wind me up, but the songs didn't do all that much. Oh well, I thought, I can't stop now.
  I ignored how cold it was outside as I ran, I needed exercise. It seemed like the whole world was asleep, only the street lights were on, and behind me all I saw was darkness. A small bit of fear creeped up behind me as I ran, since it was so dark. I turned my music up, hoping something good would come on.
I ran for about twenty minutes before having to stop. I hunched over, hands on knees, and breathed deeply, before looking around me. The city was wide awake now, people were walking by me, looking at me oddly. I started walking again, and I hoped Tomoe had gotten my note. I had felt so good with his arms around me, so warm. Every fear I had drifted away when he was near. I smiled just thinking about him, but then my thoughts drifted towards mundane things again.
I knew we needed to go to the grocery store, and we needed to get Christmas decorations, but I had that planned out. Tomoe had told me that New Year's were busy times for shrines. People were praying for a good year and good fortune. I wanted to decorate the shrine, but I was told not to. Plus, I was turning eighteen next year. Meaning I would be an adult, not some pesky teenager. I was graduating high school in six months, and then I would be free. I knew I probably wasn't going to be able to go to college, so I settled for maybe taking courses at the community college down the road. I was pondering how much lights cost as the shrine came into view. They're definitely up, I thought to myself. I saw the fireplace going and I smiled. Something warm right now would be amazing.
  I slowed down to a walk again, and my body was starting to feel the run. At least I was getting exercise.
I walked up to the shrine and straightened myself out, I wanted to look better, for reasons unknown. I opened the door and walked into the kitchen, where everyone was alive and energetic. Onikiri and Kotetsu were running around with breakfast dishes, and heard the chopping of...oranges?
"Lady Nanami! You are back!", the shrine spirits shouted,"We were almost worried, especially Master Tomoe."
I blushed again before saying,"I went on a morning jog, that's all. Is breakfast ready?"
"Almost.", Mizuki said, coming out of the kitchen. "He was taking too long, damn fox kept reading the note you left him over and over again. It was stupid."
I felt my face go red, and I quickly went into the area where Tomoe was. He turned around and saw me, and his face went a light shade of pink. I realized I was still wearing a sports bra and shorts, and I turned the same color.
I quickly composed myself and said,"Did I worry you Tomoe?"
"Yes. I don't like you going anywhere without me, note or no note."
"Well, I'm back now, so please don't worry."
"I won't."
I decided that this was my cue to leave, so I just grabbed the two glasses of orange juice waiting to be carried to the table, and I got out of there as fast as I could. Is he mad at me for asking him to stay with me? Did I do something?, I thought, as a battle raged in my head. I sat down at the table, still in my jogging clothes, and my mouth watered at the sight of the food in front of me. I was so hungry, but I kept my hands and mouth away, waiting for my companions to also sit down with me.
I checked my phone for the time: 8:15. Good.
I watched as Tomoe sat down beside me, and we all quickly prayed to our own gods. I finished first, and I started eating, trying to be as quiet as possible. When everyone else finished, we all just sat there eating, the only sounds audible were glass clinking.
I was the first one to speak, saying,"Okay. Today we need to do two things, go to the store and decorate the shrine for Christmas. Onikiri, Kotetsu, and Mizuki, you three will stay home and go through the storage room to look for any old decorations. Tomoe, you and I will do the shopping."
The spirits automatically thanked me and then ran off to the storage, before Tomoe told them to, "get there selves back in here" and put away their dishes. Mizuki just pouted for a minute, and then he slithered away into his room, leaving only Tomoe and I at the table.
"I'm going to get ready, and then we can go, okay?", I asked the fox, standing up with my plate. He just nodded, before standing up too. He said,"Give me your plate, I'll put it up for you." He grabbed it and our hands touched, a spark running up my arm.
It was the same spark I felt last night when he touched me, and I couldn't help but love it.
But than again, I loved anything as long as he was near.

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