Chapter 16

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  "Ugh, I'm so tired." Mizuki whined, and it was true. We were all extremely drowsy from the amusement park, and I couldn't wait to get home.
  "See, I told you we shouldn't have invited this wimp." Tomoe growled. The two started yelling, and I was fed up.
  "Stopppppp!" I screamed, and everyone in the train looked at me. The two Familiar's stopped, and they both plopped down in their seats. I took a deep breathe, as deep as I could. I hated when they fought, it would always make me mad. I felt a small squeeze from my hand and I looked down, finding that my hand was completely entangled with Tomoe's.
I knew he was saying sorry, and I squeezed back to say, I know, you're forgiven. I knew he was trying, trying not to get mad at me being stupid, and trying to keep his jealousy under control.
I hated he was jealous. He knew who my choice was, and I wasn't changing that. I loved him, I wasn't about to pick someone else. I huffed out loud and leaned on the fox, who seemed a little surprised. I was so sleepy, the day had taken its toll on me. As I fell asleep, I watched the sun, so big and beautiful set in the sky.
• • • • • • • • •
"How'd you get home?", I asked Tomoe as he cooked dinner. I had woken up several minutes ago, and I wondered how they knew the route get home.
"Do you think I'm really that incompetent in the human world, Nanami?" He remarked, sticking his tongue out at me. "Plus we asked for direction."
"I knew it!"
"I don't like paying attention. I only keep some things in my head. Forgive me for not caring how to get home." His voice had pretend malice in it, yet I could still pick out the happiness laced in.
"Well, you still carried me home, so thank you."
"As always."
Great, our conversations were like this again. They had been going so well, I felt he was actually opening up to me. I guess all good things had to end.
I changed the subject, asking,"What's for dinner?"
"Cheese-burg steak."
I giggled in excitement, it had been so long since I had cheese-burg steak. Mom used to make it on payday, but I never got the recipe. I heard more bickering from the living room, and I sighed, they never stopped.
"Wow, what a shame, they're always fighting." Tomoe said, his voice dripping with false innocence.
"Well you're one to talk!" I yelled, and went to go see what was happening.
"Oh." I said, I was so surprised. They were watching a soccer match between Japan and America.
"Oh Nanami, would you like to join us?" Suiruo asked, and I smiled.
"Of course." I sat down next to Mizuki and we watched animatedly. I felt bad for Tomoe in there cooking, by himself. These were the moments I should savor, when we were alone, no one to bother us.
I wondered what we could do tomorrow, since it was Christmas Eve. I didn't want to go anywhere, but they're had to be something we could all do.
I heard the oven ring and I walked back into the kitchen, observing the fox, who was moving silently through the room.
"Something the matter?" He asked, and I shook my head. I just liked seeing him, it calmed me. I pulled myself onto the counter and hummed to myself. I watched as Tomoe grabbed five glasses and two smaller cups for the shrine spirits, and plates to accompany them.
I saw his eyes move to me as he worked, and I suddenly felt self-conscious. I wasn't tall like the other girls, I didn't have a big chest or anything, and I was skinny. I'd put on some weight being here, but I tried to keep it maintained. I thought about this as I helped Tomoe set the table, our arms grazing. That same electric shock zapped through me, and I blushed. How did he do that?
• • • • • • • •
"Hey Tomoe?" I asked, before either of us could fall asleep.
"Yeah?" I heard him whisper to me. We were a mess of limbs, and I had never been so comfortable.
"I want to get a job." I felt his breathe falter, than become composed again.
"You don't need one, we have enough money."
"But I want one. To keep me busy. Pleaseeeee." I practically begged him, but I wasn't backing down.
I stuck my tongue out and I snuggled back down to my original place. We both knew the topic would be pressed later, but I didn't think about. I just enjoyed being here with him.

IM SORRYYYYY!! IM UPDATING SO LATE IM BREAKING MY OWN RULES WHAT IS DIS?! No seriously, sorry! Some stuff has been going on, and I haven't felt like writing. I've been really depressed, and I'm still feeling super sad, but writing helps, so I'm going to channel my inner author. WARNING: NEXT CHAPTER IS IN TOMOES VIEW. IM MIXING IT UP.
Peace out 😘

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