Chapter 8

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heres da story

  After the whole hand-touching, I escaped to my room, wanting to leave as soon as possible. When I walked into my room, my cheeks turned red yet again. The covers on my bed were all disheveled, and there were two pillows instead of one. I went and made the bed, internally screaming, because it was still warm. He must've really slept in, I thought.
  I went and picked out clothes, deciding to wear a sheer blouse with dark skinny jeans and knee boots. I braided my hair down my back and grabbed my outer wear, and I grabbed my phone and my purse with it. Turning off all of the lights, I walked out of the room, waiting for a certain fox to be done getting ready. I heard a door open, and he walked out, in his regular robes. I sighed and said,"Can we get you some regular clothes in town, for when we leave the shrine?" I just watched as he looked at me, then he nodded, quickly.
  "Good!", I said, smiling at him. "Let's go!"
  I started marching off, and I heard him chuckle as he followed me, walking normally. I mimicked his walk, and I decided that after we went shopping, I was going to take him to that café I liked.
  As we walked, I saw that our hands were close, almost touching. I thought about it, and I dared myself to take his hand. I reached out, and I held it, our fingers tangling together. I saw his face falter for a minute, and then he just kept our hands together, making me smile. We walked in comfortable silence, not wanting to disturb each other's thoughts. The sun was so bright and beautiful today, there wasn't a cloud in the sky.
  I saw the store and I picked up my pace, pulling the fox with me. People stared at his clothes, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a little boy point at him.
  I shivered, even though the sun was so bright this early in the morning, it was freezing outside. Tomoe asked me after a minute if I was cold, and I denied, though it was obvious I was freezing. I said,"I'm not that cold, the store's so close, I'll be fine."
  I heard him sigh and he stopped me, putting his arms around my shoulders. People gave us odd looks, and I felt my face go a bad color. Tomoe rubbed my shoulders, heat spreading through me. After about two minutes he whispered in my ear,"Are you okay now?"
  I had nothing to say, so I just nodded.
  "Good.", he said happily, before asking me where the store was. I numbly pointed to the building forty feet away from us. He said,"Oh. I guess you were right. Well, in any case, it would've taken you forever to warm up in there, but now you look too hot." Tomoe seemed disturbed with the fact that I was blushing, which made me blush even more. We walked into the store and I grabbed a cart, pushing it into an area where we could stop. I looked at the list I had made, which looked something like this:
1) Lettuce (2)
2) Eggs
3) Sake ingredients (Ask Tomoe)
4) Body Wash
5) Detergent (Gain)
  I knew that there was more that I needed, but I was too lazy to write it all down.
  "Hey Tomoe, would you push the cart for me?", I asked nicely.
  "Of course.", the fox said, taking it from me.
I walked ahead of him, glum. Our conversations seemed to be going in circles, one of us needed to say something.
"Yes?", he said, and I could detect a hint of questioning in his voice.
"Why did you stay with me last night?"
I saw his face waver for half a second, and I burned it into my mind. He was always so calm and collected, so when he wasn't, I made sure to savor it, as mean as it was.
"Nanami I stayed with you because I wanted to, honestly, you were hurting and I couldn't stand for it.", he said. "I've been wanting forever now, I'm sorry."
My breath was knocked out of my chest. He wanted to...stay with me? He wanted to hold me like he did last night? My ears were ringing, and I walked faster, picking up random things to occupy my burning mind.
I heard him behind me, muttering to himself. I tried to focus on what he was saying, but the words wouldn't become clearer at all.
I heard a song on the radio that I recognized, but couldn't put my finger on what the name was. I sang along quietly, and I picked up a bag of chips before getting a disapproving look from the fox, now to my side.
The rest of the time spent shopping for food was silent, each of us lost in our thoughts. As we got in line to pay, I noticed a sign to the right saying, Clothing Section Now Open, 50% Off!
I smiled and pointed to it, saying,"We can get you some more clothes here!"
He just looked at me and nodded, steering the cart towards the section. People were scattered everywhere, looking at the clothes, and we calmly walked towards the men's section. I told Tomoe to stop and I looked him up and down, assessing his size. He couldn't have worn that big of a size, but he was extremely tall. He just sat there, looking around as I picked out clothes for him. In total I found several pairs of pants and several button up shirts, as well as t-shirts and things like that.
  We went and got back in line, walking up to the register. The cashier was an older woman, with salt-and-pepper hair that almost glowed, flowing down her shoulders. She had that kind of beauty that only intensified with age. We began loading things onto the belt, and as she scanned them she said,"You two are an adorable couple by the way."
  We both snapped up, and I managed to stammer,"W-we're not a c-couple!"
  "Oh! I'm sorry, you two are just absolutely adorable though!"
  Tomoe came to the rescue, though what he said was worse.
  "Thank you, ma'am. I'm sure there must be someone special in your life, with your beauty.", he said, and the woman's eyes sparkled as jealousy flamed inside of me like a wildfire.
  She finished loading our bags, the entire time she was watching him, and I wanting to smack her. Tomoe kept his look on me, and we had a conversation with our eyes.

Did you have to say that?!

I was just trying to be nice.

Yeah well.

I'm sorry. You are more beautiful to me than she is, don't worry.

Are you kidding me?!


  I looked away, angry. For some reason, we could tell what the other was thinking if we looked at each other for a period of time.
  We carried the bags out of the store, me having only two, while Tomoe had three in each hand. I felt bad, but he didn't even seem fazed by the weight. I remembered that I wanted to show him that coffee shop, so I said,"Hey, why don't we stop there and get something to drink, please?".
   I could see the wheels turning in his mind, and he just shrugged and started walking towards it, the bags in his hands shuffling around. We walked into the café, and that same chime went off as when I came in here the other day.
A different person was at the register, a tall blond boy with the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen. Though his eyes were beautiful, they had a dazed look on them, and he looked extremely nervous. When he saw us he smiled, and he said,"Hi! How can I help you?"
"Hi. I want a caramel macchiato and a brownie.", I said this, and I glanced at Tomoe, who was staring at the menu as if it were a foreign language.
"Um, make that two caramel macchiatos, and two of those cinnamon sugar cookies!"
I watched him gather the food together, that look had fallen back in his eyes, and I couldn't help but ask what was wrong. He looked at me oddly when I asked, and said,"M-my girlfriends in labor at the hospital, I'm just really worried about her."
I smiled, not wanting to say anything upsetting, though his situation was sad.
"She told me to go to work, so I'm here.", he said.
"I'm sure she'll be fine!", I said, and he just nodded.
"Yeah, I'm sure she'll be fine. Anyway, here's your drinks, that'll be $7.52."
I payed the bill, and waved goodbye to the boy. I wondered who owned the place, it had to be someone young, because the music was soft and nice, not oldies.
We sat down at a table and uploaded our bags, me giggling, because we were at a four person table, and our bags were taking over the rest of it.
We just sat there, talking about nothing in general, but the conversation was still strained, I hated it. A song came on the radio, and as it started to play, a hand was outstretched to me.
"Nanami, would you like to dance?", Tomoe asked me, and I felt my face go hot. All I could do was nod, and I quickly got up to my feet as he began to twirl me around. It was like no one else was there. I saw people ooh and ahh, and I saw someone pull there phone out and take a video. I listened to the lyrics of the song, and I started to sing along.

Give me love like her,
'Cause lately I've been waking up alone,
Paint splattered teardrops on my shirt,
Told you I'd let them go,

And that I'll fight my corner,
Maybe tonight I'll call ya,
After my blood turns into alcohol,
No, I just wanna hold ya.

Give a little time to me or burn this out,
We'll play hide and seek to turn this around,
All I want is the taste that your lips allow,
My, my, my, my, oh give me love,
My, my, my, my, oh give me love,
My, my, my, my, oh give me love,
My, my, my, my, oh give me love,
My, my, my, my, oh give me love.

Of all the money that e'er I had
I've spent it in good company
And all the harm that e'er I've done
Alas it was to none but me
And all I've done for want of with
To memory now I can't recall
So fill to me the parting glass
Good night and joy be with you all

Of all the comrades that e'er I had
They are sorry for my going away
And all the sweethearts that e'er I had
They would wish me one more day to stay
But since it falls unto my lot
That I should rise and you should not
I'll gently rise and I'll softly call
Good night and joy be with you all

A man may drink and not be drunk
A man may fight and not be slain
A man may court a pretty girl
And perhaps be welcomed back again
But since it has so ought to be
By a time to rise and a time to fall
Come fill to me the parting glass
Good night and joy be with you all
Good night and joy be with you all

He spun me around, and I got lost in his eyes. People had walked in the shop, watching us, and people were gathered outside of the windows. I never could dance so well, but he guided me through the moves in a kind way. We smiled at each other, and it didn't matter that other people were there, I was with him, and he was with me.

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