Chapter 10

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  I woke up to the sunlight streaming through the window, and all I could see was Tomoe. His face had an angelic glow to it, and he looked so happy. This time, it was me with an arm around him, and we were curled up together. I smiled, but I felt a dull ache throughout my body, making me turn red.
  I slipped out of bed, and I turned even redder looking in the mirror at myself. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I didn't want to wake Tomoe up, not when he was so peaceful looking.
  I turned on the shower and got in, shivering at the warmth of the water. I thought about what happened, and I knew I'd made the right decisions. I washed my hair and my body, replaying everything. I hoped it wouldn't be awkward between us, it certainly wasn't then. I thought about this as I stepped out of the shower, hitting my ankle on the side of the tub. I groaned as pain shot through my leg, holding it as I put on my clothes, a sweater and jeans. I put on socks as a plan hatched in my mind. I could make breakfast!
  I grinned to myself as I snuck over to the bed and grabbed my phone, looking at my lover one last time before tip-toeing out of the room. I walked into the kitchen and thought about what I could make, but I wanted to make what everyone called The American. Scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes and pulpy orange juice.
I had started cooking the pancakes as I felt two arms encircle me. I blushed, immediately recognizing the arms that held me captive.
"I thought I was supposed the cook.", he said, the words a purr to my ears.
"I just thought I should change things up.", I said as calmly as I could.
"Hmm, as your Familiar I take offense to that.", he said, and I twisted around to look at him. His face was playful and loving. "Watch this." I moved aside and hopped onto the counter, watching him flip the pancakes. I did a trick with the spatula and I giggled.
I realized I had never seen this side of him before. He was always uptight and closed, but now he was acting happy and mischievous. I loved every second of it.
He moved towards me and I slid off of the counter, moving to where I could reach him. He leaned in and kissed me, his hand snaking around my waist, pulling me to him. As my hands wrapped around his neck, we heard a strangled gasp from the doorway.
There Mizuki stood, his face a mixture of rage and shock. I moved away from the fox, and I frowned at his look.
"How dare you?!" The snake exclaimed, glaring at Tomoe.
"I'm sorry, I didn't do anything wrong here." Tomoe said, his voice full of false innocence.
"Did you consent to this?!" I was tackled with the question I didn't understand, all I could say was "What?"
"You are sad, fox. You didn't even tell her. Dishonorable."
"I'm sorry, but what are we arguing about?" I tried to keep calm, but something was obviously wrong here.
"Nanami, I was going to tell you, but there was no time." Tomoe said, his voice genuine and apologetic, but as soon as he turned to Mizuki, his face turned to malice and hostility.
"Repulsive. I should've known better. Nanami, Tomoe marked you." The snake said, and I had no idea what he was talking about. "I'll let him explain it to you, since he's obviously so wise."
Tomoe growled and stood in front of me as the snake transformed into a literal snake, slithering away and hissing at the fox.
Time for an explanation, I thought. I better get one.
"Nanami, when he means marked, I claimed you for my own."
"And what does that mean?"
"It means that other supernatural beings will know you are mine."
"Tomoe, I love you dearly, but I don't belong to anyone." I said this, trying to be nice, but I could see the hurt flash across his eyes.
"I don't mean it like that. When I mean belong, I didn't mean to do it..." He said it guiltily.
"What? You didn't mean to "claim" me?"
"No, I didn't. I...guess I got wrapped up in the moment."
I turned red, and said "Well in that case, you're forgiven."
He gave me a hopeful look, and I hugged him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I felt like my home was right here, though I still had something to tell him.
"Kurama called last night and said that Giro and Brother Suiruo were visiting from Mount Kurama."
  He growled. "Idiots."
  "Stop it. Anyway they're coming here at noon to visit, so be on your best behavior."
  "Sorry Tomoe. I kind of forgot to tell you."
  "Oh thank you for that." He said it angrily, but I could see the amusement in his eyes.
  "You're welcome sir."
  He pulled me to him once again, and we just stayed there until we saw smoke. It was the pancakes. I shrieked and Tomoe took the spatula, expertly handling the out of control flapjack and throwing it out.
  My heart was still racing as he walked back to me, smiling.
  "This is why I'm the cook, dear." He said, and I stuck my tongue out at him.
  "I was hungry and you were dead to the world, so I took matters into my own hands."
  "I can see that."
An comfortable silence followed, and I had to ask what was ticking on my mind like a bomb.
  "Are you angry?"
  "Not really, it's not like you're inviting the person that tried to marry you to the shrine the morning after I claimed you, and confessed my love to you, which I have no regrets in doing."
  I cringed, that whole situation was a bad thing for all of us, but I had my heart stolen already, what was I supposed to do?
  "Well they'll be here at noon, I want you to behave."
  "Why should I behave? I don't think I can." He started to tickle me as I flipped bacon and I shrieked with delight, laughing.
  I heard him laughing as he stopped, and I made a new goal. I wonder if he's ticklish, I thought. Now I have to find out.
  As I finished cooking, dodging him. Every time I walked by him he would try and grab me, so I basically became a ballerina trying to put food on the table.
  I was seeing a whole different side of Tomoe. Not the overprotective side, but the loving one that tickled me and tried to hold me when I walked past.
  I couldn't help but love it, but I loved everything about him.

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