Chapter 6

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Hi again! It's me.
Do you like it?
I mean is it good? This chapter will should I say it...more interesting matter at hand, and The Hunger Games might come in a little bit. Don't worry, only fluff. 😋Enjoy!
After the most awkward meal ever, I helped clear the table, before taking my things and heading to my room. Everything had mainly calmed down, but I could hear bickering in the other room, and I prayed to every deity that they didn't get into another fight.
I decided to take a shower, since I was still cold and the hot water would help warm me up. Deep down inside I knew that there was only one way I could be warmed up, but I didn't dwell on it as I turned on the shower, locking the door. I'd always considered taking showers to be my private time, but living with my dad made it difficult. Sometimes the water wouldn't work at all, leaving me to wash up crappily, smelling horrible. Now, I had enough money to buy the expensive things, the soap only the wealthy girls used, and it made me happy. I contemplated putting on music, just because it made me happy, but I didn't, so I undressed and stepped in to the water, shuddering as it sprayed me and trailed down my body. I stood there for a minute, just letting the water warm me up.
  I realized I hadn't told anyone I was taking a shower, and if I took to long, Tomoe would start to worry. I knew it was a stupid thought, and that I probably had it all turned around, but he made me tell him every little thing I did, and it was so bad I had gotten into a habit of telling everyone what we were doing at breakfast the same day.
  I contemplated just leaving for a few days, and then stood there, feeling horrified with myself. I couldn't ever leave Tomoe, not like Lord Mikage did. It would be the end of me, because seeing pain or any sadness afflicted upon Tomoe hurt me to the core, and I couldn't do that to him.
  I felt like crying. I always cried though, and I swore myself I wouldn't cry anymore, but I had made a promised I couldn't keep, because crying was almost natural for me. I sound like such a wuss, I thought bitterly, even thought it was true.
  I quickly told myself to stop with these negative thoughts, I needed to get clean! I half-heartedly giggled, before grabbing the shampoo and squirting some into my hand. I must've gotten a different kind, I've never had blue shampoo..., I thought. I wondered if Tomoe had switched it out because of all the trouble I've been having with it. I took the shampoo and lathered it into my hair, massaging my head. It felt so nice to get clean. I remember when we went to Mount Kurama and I couldn't take a shower, plus that whole fiasco, so I was glad to be back home. I rinsed my head slowly, being cautious, and making sure to get out of all the soap in my hair.
The next thing I did was grab my bath cloth. I had to make sure to grab the right one, since I wasn't the only who took a shower in here. I took the soap and washed myself with that too, getting every nook and cranny of my body, as weird as that sounds, I was kind of a clean freak.
The rest of my shower went by quickly, as I really wanted to get out, plus I was starting to feel the hot water running out. I turned the bath off and I opened the curtain, looking at my bare self in the mirror. Since moving into the shrine, I had put on a small amount of weight, since my meals were cooked from scratch. I never thought I was beautiful like the other girls. I was average, with plain brown hair and regular eyes. I sighed and grabbed my towel, squeezing my hair and pulling it around me. My eyes widened upon realizing I hadn't brought any clothes into the bathroom. This was not good at all, if I walked out, so many things could happen. My towel could fall, I could trip, and so many other bad things. I sat there filled with worry, contemplating what would happen if I just flew out of the window.
I took a deep breath before opening the door. I would just walk to my room, easy as pie. I walked out and down the hall, and I didn't see anyone else, but I still heard the flow of bickering going on in the main room. They must've known I was out, because Tomoe said,"Nanami, would you like to watch TV?"
I blushed, he wanted to do something with me. I said,"Um, no thanks, I'm just going to head to bed, goodnight!"
Before I could start to walk back, he appeared in the doorway. I felt my whole world crumble around me, and he just stood there, his face frozen. We had a stand-off, and I watched as his eyes widened and his face turned ruby red. I realized just how the situation was working, and I quickly turned away and ran straight to my room. I closed the door behind me before collapsing on my bed. I had seen him, he looked at me as if I was a piece of meat. I didn't like it, not at all.
I breathed deeply, trying to forget it, but his red face was singed deep into my mind forever. Those blasted tears threatened to come out again, so I ignored them and got out my pajamas. A small t-shirt and shorts, though I knew I would regret it at two A.M. when I woke up freezing. But honestly, I would rather be cold than hot.
After I had gotten dressed, I took my hair down out of the towel it was in and picked up my brush. I started on the right side, but I soon ran into a problem. Since my mind was so preoccupied in the shower, I had forgotten to put conditioner in, a vital process for my hair. I wondered what I was going to do, I couldn't just not brush it. I took the brush and forced it through my hair, causing a cry of pain the escape my lips.
As I was recovering from that piece and preparing for many more, Tomoe walked in the room.
"Are you okay?", he asked me worriedly.
I just looked at him, daring the fox to say anything else. He looked at me in a way I hadn't seen him give me before, and asked me something extremely surprising. "Would you like me to brush it for you?", he asked me, seeming completely serious even though the situation was so silly.
I had no answer, I just nodded numbly. He wanted to brush my hair. Tomoe, the person I had seen kill countless monsters and demons, was asking to brush my hair for me.
He smiled and walked over to me, sitting down behind me on the bed. I felt my face go red as he took the hairbrush and worked the tangles out of my hair. I felt his knee lightly pressing into my back, and I had the slightest urge to press back, but I resisted it. I also wondered why he was doing this. Was it because he was my familiar? Or was he just doing it to be nice?
I felt no pain as he got the knots out, one by one. My hair was so hard to work with, and he made it seem so easy. He finished and said,"There you go, Nanami."
All I could say was,"Thanks Tomoe."
"Of course."
He just looked at me with a face I couldn't place, before walking out of the room.
I just sat there, eating myself. Why couldn't I just say it? I love you, Tomoe. Why was it so hard?
I sighed and got under the covers, plugging my phone up beside me. I decided the start that new book I got at the bookstore. I examined it, the blue cover and the two clouds on the front. It looked like such a happy book. I opened it and started reading it, but I soon found out this was not a happy book. The poor girl, Hazel Grace Lancaster, she had Thyroid cancer!
I couldn't stop reading, and I read until I felt my eyes droop. I put the book down in surrender, and I settled down into the covers, smiling at how comfy I was. I closed my eyes peacefully and fell into a deep sleep, hoping for a nice dream to sooth me.
I was standing on a cliff, in the middle of the forest. I felt my body shudder as I looked down, into the gaping black abyss below me. I heard footsteps behind me, and I saw my mother in front of me. "Mom!", I screamed. She just looked at me, and she smiled.
I screamed as I witnessed it. She starting transforming, turning into something else. Black smoke surrounded her, and I watched as the soft hands that held me when I was little turned into claws. The smile that calmed me down turned into a grimace as she shrieked. She had turned into a monster. She screeched at me and flung herself towards where I was. The last thing I remember was falling, and her claws tearing me apart.

  I woke up screaming, trying to understand where I was. I was covered in sweat, and my voice was hoarse. I heard running, and Tomoe appeared in the doorway, looking concerned.
"What happened?", he asked, his voice worrisome.
  "Nothing, I just had a nightmare.", I said, the words came out scratchy and distorted.
  "Oh. Will you be alright?", he asked, his voice loaded with all kinds of emotions.
  "Ok", he started walking out of the room, and my fear got the best of me.
  "Tomoe?", I asked.
  "Would you stay with me?", I asked, my heart was still pounding.
  My heart stopped, and I watched as he walked towards me, pulling up the covers and slinking down beside me. I turned red and his arm went around me, and even redder as he pulled me to him. I felt his breath on my neck as my eyes closed once more. And I fell asleep warmer than ever, because of him.

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