Chapter 17

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Ok, this chapters in Tomoe's view, k? Bear with me.
  I loved her. More than anything. She captivated me, held me captive when I least expected it. I fulfilled her every whim without question for fear of her being unwell, and it was taking over me. I watched her peacefully sleep, her mouth open slightly. Nanami Momozono. She was mine, every part of her.
  Her hair brushed against my neck, and her lips brushed against my chest. I froze, my body unable to move. She had done it once again, even asleep. She had taken me, held me prisoner with her lips, so beautiful.
  To me, she was perfect. Her hair, her body, everything. Every time I got mad at her, every time we yelled, I knew I was wrong. She was so positive, even when I said I couldn't love her. I was an idiot, and even then I knew I would succumb eventually.
  I felt sleep pulling on me, and I pulled the girl to me once more. I could feel her heartbeat, so soft, on my bare chest, and I smiled. So beautiful.
                  • • • • • • • • • • •
I felt the shaking before I heard her whimpering, and I knew what happened. It wasn't the first time she had a nightmare. The only reason I started sleeping here was because of them. My instincts kicked in and I lightly shook her shoulders, keeping her pressed to me.
"Nanami." I urged. "Nanami."
I heard her whimper and I shook harder, determined to get her out of her stupor.
"Nanami!" Her eyes shot open and she looked around, our eyes meeting. Tears started falling down her beautiful cheeks, and a sharp pain pierced my heart. Her arms wrapped around my neck, and I held her tight. I turned us around carefully, pulling her to where she was laying on top of me.
Still crying, she thanked me quietly.
"Don't thank me. You're hurting, I hate that. Do you want to speak about it?" I asked softly. Her stunning chocolate eyes met mine and she nodded slowly.
"It's the same one I've been having. It's always someone I love, and they try and kill me. It always ends the same way, with them turning into a monster, Tomoe, a monster. They always push me off a cliff, it's terrifying." She cried, and I melted. I couldn't resist it, she was beautiful even crying. Horrible. "And this time, it was-it was you." She buried her head into my chest, and I could feel her eyelashes caress my chest.
"Nanami." I coaxed. "I would never, ever, even imagine hurting you. You're more important to me then breathing."
I heard her gasp, and she raised her head slowly. Before I could comprehend what was happening, she mashed her lips to mine. I could taste the saltiness of her tears. Her hands tangled in my hair, and I savored her taste.
We pulled away only when we needed to breathe, and that was agony.
"I love you." I heard her whisper, panting slowly.
"I love you too, Nanami."
She lay back down, and we moved towards each other. I wasn't going to push my feelings away, not anymore. I knew I was I love with her when we were on Mount Kurama. I had denied it, humans and yokai weren't supposed to fall in love. It was forbidden. And yet, I had fallen deeply in love with Nanami Momozono.
I melted into her steady breathing, I knew she was asleep. Her cheeks still glistened with tears, but she looked more at peace. Now it was me who couldn't sleep.
I huffed and attempted to stay in one place, but to no avail, I was completely awake. I looked at Nanami once more, contemplating if she would know if I got up. I decided she wouldn't, and I carefully snuck my way out of the room, getting once last peak at the sleeping girl before leaving the area.
Boredom entered me as I stood in the living room. I sadly had no idea how to work the TV, and I wasn't going to try. I wondered if there was an alternate me who was good at science of technology, maybe there was.
I heard snoring from my old room, and I growled. So impolite, I thought. Idiots.
I didn't want to go back to bed, but I had no idea what to do. The old me would have escaped and gone to a brothel in the yokai world. The new me spit at that idea, I wouldn't do anything to disrespect my relationship with Nanami. I cared for her too much to hurt her.
I sighed, my feelings were too conflicting. Yet they all had one thing in common, her.

AGGG IM LATE AGAIN SORRY!!! Everything's been so hectic I don't have time. Anyway, who watched Steins;Gate? I put a lil reference in there, you're welcome. Next chapter will be normal.

Peace out 🙃

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