Chapter 14

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  "What's going on?" Tomoe would ask me every five minutes during the movie, it was getting tiresome.
  "Keep watching, you'll see." Was my answer every time.
  "Who's this Jesus guy?" Tomoe asked, and I had to hold back laughter.
  We had gotten more comfortable, with my legs resting on his lap and his hand on my hip. I was happy to be watching the movie, but even happier to be watching it with him.
  As the saddest part drew nearer, I felt tears pricking my eyes. No one deserved losing their love, no one.
  I couldn't control my tears as Augustus died, and I started bawling. Tomoe's eyes grew bigger and he pulled me to him. I hiccuped and buried my face in his shirt. This book had ruined me.
  The ending of the movie was even sadder, with a funeral and everything else having to do with death.
  After it had ended, we just sat there, not sure what to do. I felt my eyes start to droop, and before I could get up, I felt strong arms go around me, and I was lifted up. Tomoe carried me into my room, setting me down gently and crawling in beside me. I felt covers fall onto me, and I felt the soft warmth Tomoe provided heat me. I knew the sooner I fell asleep, the sooner the nightmares would come for me. I didn't want to fall asleep.
I saw Tomoe's eyes fall closed, and I watched his face go slack from exhaustion. He was gorgeous, even asleep. The curve of his cheek, slightly pressed against the pillow we shared. The way his chest was directly on mine. The way his heartbeat felt. Beautiful.
I saw his mouth fall open, and every time he breathed, I felt his chest rise with mine. Breathless. I felt my own eyes falling, sleep daring to pull me under. Breaking.


I was standing on a cliff, the same cliff as usual. I turned around to see my father, standing there, and evil smile lining his face.
"I hate you." He snarled. "I regret letting her keep you, you're worthless. I could've been having fun, but no, I had to take care of you. Idiotic."
I felt tears running down my face as I begged him to stop.
"Why are you doing this?!" I screamed, and he started walking towards me, laughing.
"I don't know, it's your dream."
He grabbed me and held me up. I struggled, trying to break free. Desperation coursed through me as my father neared the edge of the cliff. He held me over it, a manic smile covering his worn face.
"I never loved you."
The last thing I felt was the sting of the wind as I plummeted down.

I felt hands shaking me awake, and my eyes shot open. Tomoe was over me, his eyes full of concern.
"Are you okay?" He asked, the usual question. I had nightmares so often, and yet they still affected me in ways I couldn't comprehend.
"I-I'm fine. I'll be fine." I stammered, trying to comfort myself more than my boyfriend.
Tomoe just looked at me, unbelieving. He lay back down and pulled me closer to him, so much that we were almost one. I felt the exhaustion of sleep, but I was terrified to close my eyes.
"Can we make some coffee?" My voice shook as I spoke.
"This late?" Tomoe's voice was uncertain, but I new he wouldn't deny me.
I sat up slowly, trying to relax my muscles, which were tense. The fox stood up and walked to me, and together we slowly made our way into the kitchen.
The whole room was dark, and I turned on the light. My eyes hurt, and I turned on the coffee pot. Tomoe was standing at the door, looking almost unwelcome. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. We did this often now, coming to the kitchen at night when we couldn't sleep.
As our coffee was brewing, I decided to do something daring.
"Can we dance Tomoe?" I ask, and my voice wavered.
Tomoe's eyes reflected confusion, but then he walked over to me, and said,"Of course we can."
I turned on a song, and we met each other, starting to dance. The lyrics flowed around the kitchen as we swayed together, content.

It's like bed bugs in a 5 star hotel
First date, pretty face but he's dumb as hell
He's dumb as hell
It's like choking on a LifeSaver
Like a firehouse burning to the ground
Burning to the ground

And I keep running, running circles, circles tryna understand
Why the dreams I die for are now killin' me
And I keep running, running circles, circles tryna figure out
Why this life is not what I thought it'd be

I wanna go back to the sweet beginnings
When I was young and full of innocence
I wanna go back to complete surrender of you
The sweet beginnings

It's like you're allergic to your medication
Meant to make you better, but it makes you worse
It makes you worse
It's like dying in your own living room
Like a U-Haul following behind a hearse
We all turn to dirt

The sweet beginnings
The sweet beginnings
Surrender of you
Surrender of you
my neck my back my pussi and my crack
As the music ended, we stayed together. I pressed myself closer to him, breathing in his smell. I felt Tomoe do the same, and were perfectly content. The coffee pot beeped, and I had to force myself to break away.
I got our cups ready, and I pulled myself onto the counter, sipping on the velvety liquid. Tomoe moved between my legs, and I kissed him, the taste of my coffee melding between us. I felt his smile under mine, and I rested my forehead on his. I gazed into those stunning eyes, and I bathed in the violet color resting in them.
We finished our coffee in silence, staying still. The aftertaste stayed in my mouth after we had gotten back in bed. The memories of all the kisses we shared during the small excursion floating back into my thoughts.
I loved everything about him.
His eyes, his lips, his body, his words. I couldn't get enough of him.

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