Chapter 11

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Ok, it's me again. I need to discuss one or two things, right here, right now.
1) I'm going to start using this symbol
•••••• this is going to represent a time skip if it's only a few hours or so.
enjoy people
3) It is exactly three days until Christmas in the story. I don't know, I just wanted festivity.
Breakfast was happy, except for the fact that Tomoe and Mizuki were glaring at each other the entire. All in all it was perfect.
I checked the time: 8:56. Good, I still have time, I thought. I made a mental list of things I needed to do before they got here, and it looked something like this:
1) Clean.
2) Make a meal plan.
3) Help Tomoe move clothes into my room, and break it to him that they are staying at the shrine for a few days.
4) Do laundry.

The plan was extremely simple, but I liked being organized like that. I started with cleaning, grabbing a wipe. As I washed the counters of the kitchen, my thoughts drifted to what Tomoe said. He didn't mean to "Claim" me? And could Tengu see it too? I still had absolutely no regrets about what we did.
It made me a tad bit embarrassed that practically everyone I knew saw this Claim. Even Onikiri and Kotetsu had said something. They had said that my aura was stronger, whatever that meant.
I saw them fighting with Tomoe outside, pulling on a shirt. I smiled to myself as I went around in each room, collecting the clothes I needed to wash.
It slightly irritated me that everyone had knowledge of the Claim Tomoe put on me. Things like that were supposed to be private, but it was the opposite. Everyone knew, and I didn't like it. I didn't feel any different, so why was everyone looking at me like I'd just broken a big rule?
I sighed and threw clothes into the washer, not bothering to measure how much detergent was going into the machine.
  Things weren't awkward between Tomoe and I, but everything was extremely awkward with anyone else. I didn't like it, but I was glad that we were together.
                   • • • • • • • •

  It was twelve o'clock. Giro and Brother Suirou would be here any second. We were waiting in the living room, apprehensive about getting guests.
"You're gonna behave right?" I asked the fox, who was sitting there brooding, his arm a protective barrier around my waist.
"Why should I? If he makes a move on you we'll be having crow for dinner."
I cringed, why was he so mean?
"Please behave." I begged. He looked at me and smiled.
"I'll behave Nanami, as you wish, but if any of them lay a finger on you I will not hesitate to kill them."
"That's all I ask for." I moved into his arms and buried my head into his chest, breathing in his scent. He smelled like honey and flowers. We sat there, perfectly content.
I waited for knocking on the door, nervous about our guests. Would they fight with Tomoe? Were they not going to want to stay here? I sighed and Tomoe tilted my head up.
"What's wrong?"
"You're a horrible liar."
"Am not." I argued.
"You are, now tell me, what's wrong?" He said it with such love that I couldn't help but melt under his gaze.
"I'm worried." I said it carefully, I didn't want to reveal too much.
"Why are you worried, love?"
"I don't want them to hate me."
"Why would they hate you, Nanami? I wouldn't let them, I promise."
"They would hate me because you Claimed me."
He looked at me with a smile,and my eyes searched his for anything, anything at all.
"I'm not going to let them hate you." He said this, and I leaned towards him, pecking his lips once before standing up, tearing myself out of his grasp.
He pouted and I had to look away, I knew I wouldn't be able to resist his face.
"Oh, one more thing..." I said it quietly, I knew he would react badly.
"Giro and Suiruo are staying here for a few days."
I sighed, this is exactly why I didn't want to tell him.
"I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologizing?" He asked, I could see the confusion written on his face.
"I don't want you to be mad, I was going to explain."
"Please explain then."
"Both of them can sleep in your old room."
"What?! No!" He exclaimed, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
"Tomoe you don't sleep in there anymore, besides, this will be nice."
"I still hate it."
"I know."
I realized that it was almost twelve fifteen, and that they were late.
"Maybe they're not coming!" The fox said, more happily than I liked.
"Tomoe you jerk! I know they're coming."
He gazed at me slowly, as if pondering what I had said.
"Well, even if they are, they're late, and that's very rude."
"Maybe they're just stuck in traffic or something."
As soon as I said that, I heard a loud knocking and I leapt up, running to the door. I heard Tomoe growling and I glared at him, pointing for him to move to the kitchen. He stuck his tongue out and slumped away, cursing. I hissed at him took a deep breathe, nervousness racking through me.
I opened the door to three guests.
"Hi!" I exclaimed, trying to mask whatever they were seeing.
"Oh. My. God." Kurama said, he was obviously trying not to laugh.
Oh no, I thought. My cover is blown already, I'm doomed.
"Ah, hello Nanami, long time no see." Brother Suiruo said, inviting himself in.
Kurama did the same, leaving just Giro and I at the door. The Tengu was twitching violently, and I smiled at him.
"Would you like to come in?" I asked, trying so hard to distract everyone from me.
"O-oh, um, yes!" The Tengu said, also walking in. I lead everyone into the living room, and plopped down onto a chair. I was mimicked by everyone in the rooms, and following that was the most uncomfortable silence ever.
I heard Tomoe walk in, and I looked at him, praying that he wouldn't say anything bad.
"Oh, I didn't think it would take that long for you all to walk in, but it seems I'm mistaken." He said, and he sat down next to me, our arms barely grazing. I watched as everyone reacted slowly, Suiruo just smiled, Kurama was obviously holding back laughter, and Giro was twitching even worse.
"You smell like a dog, Nanami." Kurama said.
"Oh thanks."
"I'm not a dog. I think fox is the correct term here." Tomoe said with a smug voice and a smirk. I cringed, this was NOT good.
"Can we not discuss this?" I laughed nervously, it made me so mad, these things were supposed to be private, but everyone knew our business.
"Aw, but it's fun watching you all squirm." Kurama said, and I suddenly felt the urge to smack him.
I knew it was going to be hard on us to do these next few days, Tomoe and I couldn't act the way we wanted to, or else a fight would break out. I felt his hand on the small of my back and I smiled. His touch felt so familiar, so at home. I loved it, I couldn't stay away from him. I knew we would survive the next few days, as long as I was with him, I would survive.

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