Chapter 4

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I finally decided to go to the jewelry store, stupid as it was. I stepped into the store, and I was hit by a blast of heat, making me shudder one last time before I took off my coat and scarf. I didn't see anyone at the glass bar, and worry spread through me. What if they're not open?, thought, Why didn't you even look?
I breathed in, before starting to look around. I still had my coffee in hand, and I was still absentmindedly taking small sips of it.
I kept the drink close to my body, I didn't want to spill it, especially in a jewelry store. As I looked for the bracelets I had in mind, and boggling at the prices when I found one. I thought they would be more expensive, but the prices were affordable for such gorgeous accessories.
Eventually I heard footsteps, and I turned around to see a tall woman, who smiled at me nicely, before saying,"Hi, what may I interest you in?".
She said it so calmly, I couldn't help but be taken aback.
  "Uh-ummm-Hi!", I said, internally smacking myself. I sounded like such an introvert. I guess I was, on the inside.
  The woman chuckled kindly, before asking me what I was looking for.
  I had tried to compose myself, but the woman was really friendly looking, though she had a manic smile and her eyes were glowing with what, anticipation?
  I quickly told her what I wanted, the bracelets. She smiled with that manic smile again and led me over to a glass case, showing me the selection I could choose from. I never saw these, the thought occurred to me.
  The lady said,"We have a new selection, so we could give you a discount, because it seems like you have your head in the clouds."
She was onto me. I just smiled and said,"Yeah, I am. So much is going on in my life, but I'm on a mission. Those bracelets I want, they need to be matching, I'm getting them for my...cousins..."
"Aww how sweet!"
I laughed nervously, I mean, I couldn't tell her that they were for my "Shrine Spirits"...
"Thanks, I promised I would get them something", I said, scratching the back of my head. As I did this, my eyes landed on the one. It was a blue bracelet, with a small emerald piece wrapping around the metal, and dark blue crystals throughout it. I gasped and the woman's head turned, looking at the item with me.
"You want that one?", she said,"That's an antique one, we have so many new ones over-"
"This one. I want two of these."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, it's perfect.", I said, smiling. It was beautiful, and it would look so adorable on the two of them. I watched as she walked to the glass case and pulled out a key. Excitement coursed through me as I saw her open the case and put on gloves. Would this be considered a Christmas present? Tomoe constantly told me not to do things for the two, but I couldn't help it, they were so sweet, and they did so much for me.
The lady boxed the two bracelets, and she told me the price: $78. I wanted to cry with joy. This was amazing, a deal like that. I just nodded happily, and she smiled at me before handing me the small box with held the small present.
I waved goodbye before heading out of the store, practically jumping out of my skin. People were really nice when you think about it. I checked the time: 7:45 P. M.
I still had time to be out, but I knew that I had a curfew. At ten o'clock I would be hunted down, and dragged back to the shrine. I wished I brought my Talisman's with me. I wasn't very good with them, but I knew how to be invisible. I walked along the sidewalk, my thoughts scattered, snow falling around me, creating a halo of magic on the ground.
I saw my favorite bookstore ahead, the lights inside creating an array of strings to be pulled in me. I loved going in there, for so many reasons. The sweet coffee smell, the smell of paper and small sweets at the coffee shop next to it. The exciting feeling I always got because I new I would find so many books I wanted.
I stepped inside, and the bells above the door chimed. I looked at my surroundings, before walking to the "Young Adult" section. I had made a list of books I wanted, and I had a bad habit of researching books before I bought them. I didn't like wasting things, I was taught to take nothing for granted, to be thankful for everything I got.
  I looked for the first book I wanted, called "The Black Snow". I found it quickly, because after putting countless prayers into alphabetical order, you get pretty good at it. I felt the cover and smiled, I loved the feel of paperbacks. I had become such a bookworm since I moved to the shrine, but I had become a lot of things since I came to the shrine.
  I found the other books I wanted, and I brought them to the register, though I could barely see over the pile. I set them down to wait on the cashier, realizing there was only one. It just makes it even cozier, I thought.  A girl came up to the register, and smiled at me. I smiled back, she looked so nice.
  "Is this all you're getting?", she said, a hint of amusement in her eyes.
  "It is...", I said back, trying to mimic the look.
  "Ok! May I suggest one more?"
  "Sure...", I said, confusion echoing in my head.
  "Awesome! You might have read it, but it's on sale, and the movie just came out, so you should read it!"
  She handed me a book, and I took a peak at it through the bag. "The Fault In Our Stars". Where had I heard that before? If it was so famous, I must've heard the girls at school talking about it. I said "Thank you", and she told me to have a good day.
  I walked out of there, though I was weighed down by the bag of books. I spent way too much money in there...but I had a good time! I felt better, and I decided to head home for dinner. I thought about everything that was going in my life, the good and the bad. And all between that, I thought about him.

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