Chapter 18

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"Tomoe?" I asked groggily. He wasn't there, I couldn't feel him.
  I sat straight up, fully awake. Panic coursed through me like a flame, and hot tears threatened to escape. Did Tomoe leave on purpose? Did he not want to sleep with me anymore?
  I got up slowly and made my way into the living room. My eyes widened at the sight before me. Tomoe, sprawled out on the sofa, snoring softly. I felt my face grow red as I grabbed a blanket from the wicker basket in the corner. I lay it on the fox slowly, not wanting to wake him up.
  I kissed him on the temple and walked into the kitchen, my mind racing. Did he not love me anymore? Was I unimportant now? Did I say something?
  I sighed and started pulling things out of the draw, getting ready to cook. I put on music, and as The Weeknd cooed, I sang along, getting distracted with the sweet music.

To say that we're in love is dangerous
But girl I'm so glad we're acquainted

  I made French toast, pouring the powdery sugar on the hot bread. I didn't know why Tomoe had moved, but these things usually sorted themselves out in the end. I heard a yawn from the living room, and I knew the day has officially started. I heard Suiruo laughter as he joked, and I waited for Tomoe to scold them.
"Good morning, Lady Nanami!" Muzuki exclaimed. "Why isn't Tomoe cooking? So lazy."
"He had a bad night."
"How would you know?" The snake narrowed his eyes and I turned away. I wasn't revealing anything.
I heard Tomoe's agitated voice in the living room and I cooked faster. I honestly didn't want to speak to him. I still wanted to know if I did something though.
"Would you like to set the table?" I  asked, and he nodded. The snake walked out of the room, and I continued making breakfast. As I was flipping eggs, I felt two arms enclose around me.
"Are you okay, Nanami?" Tomoe asked, but his voice was loaded with sleep. My cheeks went hot, but revealing that anything was wrong was not on my agenda.
"I'm fine."
"You are a terrible liar."
"I'm not lying." I said indifferently.
"Yes you are,"Tomoe said, titling my chin up,"what's wrong love?"
I sighed, I could t resist his eyes. So becoming, a violet ocean begging for me to swim in.
"You weren't there, this morning. I thought I did something wrong."
"Nanami, don't ever think I'll leave you. I've made my decision, I'm staying with you. I left the bed because I couldn't fall asleep, and I didn't want to disturb you. Understand?"
I felt relief flood through me. He didn't leave, he just couldn't fall asleep.
I nodded and Tomoe smiled, the same smile that was reserved just for me. Filled with what I now recognized as love and affection.
"Good." Tomoe said, and he pulled me to him in a hug. I heard our two guests talking loudly about how uncomfortable the clothes were, and I smiled into Tomoe's chest.
The fox moved away and started cooking for me, making a smile crawl onto my face.
  Everyone moved slowly, getting ready for breakfast. I was almost scared to announce the plans for the day and how they didn't include me, but I wanted to experiment. I needed things for the Christmas meal we were having, so I was sending my companions to get it.
  I was so extremely excited for Christmas, I was practically jumping out of my skin. It was my first real Christmas. The first one that we would have a delicious meal, and the first one I would spend with him.
  We all say around the table and were eating when I announced my plans.
  "Today, you all are going on an adventure!" I said enthusiastically.
  I got several confused looks from my companions and a what from Tomoe.
  "We need some ingredients for the meal, so you're going to the store for me!"
  "Absolutely not." Tomoe argued.
  "Tomoe, you four are going to the store." I said more commandingly. They were going.
  Everyone else had nothing to say, and I sighed. I looked at Tomoe, who was brooding beside me. I looked into those gorgeous eyes once again, and we had another silent conversation.

  Why the hell do I have to go?!
  Please Tomoe?
  No, absolutely not.



  I pouted and looked at him again, using my best puppy dog face. He frowned at me, and I knew I had won.
  "You guys can go around lunch, ok?" I asked, but it sounded more like a request. I got several agreements and I felt relieved.
  Breakfast was finished in silence, everyone lost in concentration. I started clearing the table, and Tomoe offered to help. Together we both cleaned up, and as I was washing dishes I felt him slither up behind me.
  "What was that?" He purred in my ear, causing my face to turn a light shade of red.
  "I need you to help."
"With what?" He said, mocking the innocent tone I had earlier.
"You know what."
"Tch. Fine. But don't expect me to be nice."
"Tomoe." I warned.
He just looked at me, and I smiled. I pecked him on the cheek and danced out of the room before he could pull me in. I looked at the scene before me—everyone was happy and joyful, no one was sad. My heart swelled with love for my friends, but even more for him.

Falling In Love With You (Nanami x Tomoe)Where stories live. Discover now