Chapter 9

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Ok, here's where I do a small Time Skip! This chapter might be a little short, but I have something I have to get through or else it will be extremely long. Thx.
4 Days Later

  It was like things had changed, with Tomoe and I. He never left my side anymore, and we didn't yell as often. I would catch him looking at me when he thought I wouldn't notice, but I always did.
  He had stayed with me for almost five nights now. The second night I had had another nightmare, and I hadn't needed to say anything, I had just looked at him, and he had crawled under the covers with me, and he didn't let go. From then on he would wait until everyone was in bed, and then he would sneak into my room. I loved every minute of it.
  I pondered this as I stepped out of the shower, grabbing my towel. I remembered the second night I had been so scared I started crying once he was settled beside me, and he had sung to me. It was so low only I could hear it, but it had rocked me to sleep.
  I smiled thinking about it, and I pulled on my shorts, looking in the mirror at myself. I would never be as pretty as the other girls, not with my plain brown hair and average chocolate eyes. I sighed and finished getting ready for bed, brushing my hair out and braiding it. I walked into my bedroom and shut the door, collapsing onto the bed. I was so tired, and all I wanted to do was sleep, but I knew that once I fell asleep I would be plagued by dreams I couldn't decipher and dreams that made me scream and cry.
  I heard my two Familiar's arguing in the kitchen, and I ignored them. They would sort it out soon, at least I hoped. I put it headphones, and listened to music before I fell asleep.
  Not thirty minutes later, I saw the door creak open and Tomoe creep in. I saw his eyes, asking me the same the question he had been, Do you want me to stay?
  I just looked at him, my eyes pleading. I wanted him to stay with me, wanted him to fight the monsters that held me captive every night. He nodded at me, before heading towards the bed, his pajama pants sagging dangerously low on his hips. He lifted up the covers and slid in beside me, laying down to my level. His arm went protectively around me, and I immediately felt better. We stayed like that for a few minutes, neither of us falling asleep.
  I decided to ask the question that had been eating away at my mind forever.
"Tomoe, do you love me?"
  I could've sworn I felt his heart stop under my hand, but as I looked into those beautiful eyes, all I saw was assurance and something else I couldn't name.
  "Yes Nanami. I do love you, I do."
  Now my heart stopped as he said that, and I saw my world crumble around me.
  I looked at him as I leaned towards the fox, kissing him. It was like my world was beginning as he kissed me back, and I knew that night would be forever seared into my mind. The night we shared, me and him.

So uh...catch my drift as to what happened? I'm sorry, but that makes me uncomfortable like describing me, so I did what I said I would and did a Twilight thing. Don't worry, lots of fluff coming next to make for the lack of...not good things. Deal? Deal.

Peace out ✌

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