Chapter 12

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I needed to lighten the mood, immediately.
"Oh, I need to show you your rooms!" I exclaimed, trying to be positive.
I jumped up and as I turned around, I tripped. Shrieking, I fell, straight on my face. I immediately felt Tomoe's hands on back as he guided me up. I turned around and looked at him, our eyes meeting. I thanked him softly and turned away. My pride was feeling the sting of falling, and I just wanted to hide.
"So, if you two are done with the PDA, I wanna see where they're sleeping, thank you very much." Kurama said, and I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Yeah ok. Follow me."
It was like a game of follow-the-leader as I lead them to Tomoe's old room. I saw his irritated face and I frowned, I mean he didn't even sleep in there anymore, so why was he so upset? I walked towards the door and opened it, looking at the disarray of the room.
  I sighed and looked at the fox, who was smirking. I smirked myself before asking,"Tomoe, would you clean this room up?"
  I watched his eyes grow in surprise and I heard Kurama guffaw at his jaw, which was completely slack from the shock. He moved quietly into the room, almost robot-like, and snapped his fingers, cleaning the room magically. qDang it, I thought. He worked around me. He smiled and moved back to my side, a smug look playing on his lips.
  "So, you all can stay here, sorry we don't have enough room." I mustered, surprise still lurking in my mind from the cleaning fiasco.
  "Perfectly fine. Thank you for having us, Nanami." Suiruo said, and I blushed. He was gorgeous. Tomoe glared at him and his hand touched the small of my back, as if saying, Hands off.
  Giro just stammered as they both went into the room, putting their things down. The room was a nice size, made especially for Tomoe. It was painted blue, and it even had its own bathroom. We left them alone for a minute as I thought about what we could do. Tomoe was still grumbling as he sat down.
  "I gotta go, I'll meet you all for dinner." Kurama said, already out of the door. I called out bye and looked back to the fox. I sat by him and he hugged me, burying his face into my neck.
  I realized that Tomoe wasn't always the hard shelled person I knew. Mom always had told me not to trust men, but I found myself in a situation where they're all I trusted. Sorry about that Momma. I hugged Tomoe back, making sure to savor the time we had together.
  "We should go out to dinner tonight." I said, trying to distract the fox.
  He just nodded, the action muffled by my neck. I looked at his silver hair, how it tilted a certain way on his face, the way it slicked back.
  I pulled away from him, smiling apologetically. It took every ounce of me to do it, I didn't want to leave him, or even break contact with him. It was like leaving a lost toy behind, I couldn't do it. I waited for our two guests to emerge, and I realized it would be a long afternoon.
                 • • • • • • • • • • •

  It was finally dinner, I could've cried with relief. After they had come out, we had gone on a tour of the city, but it had ended terribly. We had gone to a popular tourist attraction, a bridge on the mountain. It started out super fun, but then Tomoe and Giro had gotten into a fight over who would hold my hand across the bridge, and I had practically drug them back home by their ears, all while Suiruo was laughing and Mizuki, (who had shown up seconds before we left), was yelling at them.
"We'll go out to dinner." I suggested to the glum group.
No one responded, so I decided to use a trick that was low for me.
"I mean I can go by myself, but I wouldn't be so safe in that big city, all alone, and especially with all those attractive men out there."
I was practically tackled in everyone's haste to get out the door, and I giggled as we started walking. I looked over at Tomoe, who had drifted to my left, and we smirked at each other. I suggested a restaurant, and I got several agreements. Banter ensued as we walked, and I smiled to myself. At least they're getting along.
I noticed the cheery Christmas lights and the music playing on the streets. Christmas was so close I could almost feel it, and it so happened that this was the first Christmas that I was actually celebrating. I felt like a little kid again, skipping through the snow as people watched fondly. I couldn't help but feel so happy.
I saw the restaurant up ahead and I picked up my pace, wanting to get somewhere warmer. It only seemed to get colder as the days went on, and anywhere that would heat me up was a miracle. We waked into the restaurant and a woman smiled at us from another table, where she was filling a mans coffee cup.
  She made her way over to us and counted our group, and I told her that one more would be coming. Hopefully, if he even knows where we are. She nodded and escorted us to a table, sitting us down and taking our drink orders.
  "Chocolate milk."I said, a sheepish smile on my face.
  I got several panicked looks from my companions and I sighed.
  I pointed to Tomoe and Mizuki and requested water. They're not going to order themselves, so I'm not ordering them anything special, I thought scornfully.
  I looked at the other two at the table, and Giro looked at me crazily while Suiruo just smiled. I sighed once more and ordered two more waters. As I ordered, I heard the door open and saw Kurama step in. He saw us and smiled smugly, walking over to our table. Sitting down, he also ordered a drink, and I saw the waitresses eyes glaze over with lust. I rolled my eyes, I could tell you stories about him you wouldn't believe. After that, casual conversation fell onto our group, but I couldn't help but drift away.
  I was so tired today, it felt odd. I reached for Tomoe's hand under the table, and when his fingers enter twined with mine, I felt stable once more. I waited on my drink happily, perfectly content to be with my friends.
  I wondered if Tomoe and I would ever get married. It was a stupid thought that made me blush, but it still plagued my mind from time to time. Maybe one day, but I remember my mother telling me to live my life, and I planned to do that, boyfriend or no boyfriend.
  I sang along to the Christmas music playing, but as it got to the chorus, the music stopped and a pop song came on, filling the restaurant with a juvenile presence. I saw the waitress glare at someone, and I followed her eyes to who a look that mean was going to.
  My head turned, and I saw a teenage girl sitting with a stone faced male. Her face was hopeful, but the males was sour and rude looking.
  I heard the clinking of glass and I saw a tray land on our table. The waitress was back, and as she gave us our drinks, I couldn't help ask what was the matter.
  "Darn teenagers."She pointed at the girl, a spoiled look on the girls face. "It's the bosses daughter. She's trying to impress her boyfriend, but putting on crap like this ain't gonna help you."
  I laughed and agreed with her, the music choice wasn't good at all. A stupid song filled with dirty jokes and sexist remarks, not to mention the use of the F-word at least five times.
  We all observed the couple, watching for any change. I saw the males face had changed, he was now yelling at the girl, a vein popping on his neck. The girl muttered something and he yelled even louder, attracting the attention of every customer. The girl stood up and talked to him, her eyes pleading, probably trying to get him to sit down, and he slapped her. Slapped her. I felt something snap in me and I stood up, my chair sliding back. My hand ripped out of Tomoe's as everyone's eyes turned to me. The boy smirked at me and I felt myself shaking with anger.
  "How dare you?!"I said, loud enough to get his attention.
  "Are you talking to me?"He remarked, his face sarcastic and vile.
  "Yes, I am. You are the scum of this earth, you know that? Please explain to me why you just hit your girlfriend, I'm honestly very curious."
  I saw Tomoe's eyes on me, and I just looked at him.
  "She wasn't being obedient."The boy said, as if it was the simplest thing in the world. I took a deep breath, trying to control me anger.
  "I want you to listen to me. Women are not supposed to be obedient to you. We're not dogs. You are a douchebag for thinking that you have the right to slap her. Just because you have a penis does not mean you can be a dick, and just because you're a male doesn't mean you're a man, so shut up."
  I watched his jaw go slack, followed by everyone else's. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around to see a middle aged man. He had a striking resemblance to the girl sitting in the booth.
  "What's the deal?" He asked, looking worriedly at the girl, who I assumed was his daughter.
  "This girl interrupted me-" I cut him off.
  "This male hit her, and I stepped in." I said, calm as I could handle. I watched the mans face go red and as he carefully escorted the boy outside, all why the boy was cursing me and everyone else. After that, the man and the girl both thanked me and I sat down, suddenly dizzy. Since then, my drink had gone lukewarm, and I pushed it away from me.
  I searched for Tomoe's hand, and when I found it, I got the urge to hold it up to my face. When the waitress came back, she praised me and and I thanked her humbly, not really wanting to talk. I ordered food for everyone as a realization hit me.
  I may have just broken two lovers apart. I may have ruined a solvable relationship, and that hurt me. I looked at Tomoe and I, or our hands at least, and I tried to feel what it would be like if he got taken away from me. I vowed never to do that again, and I was determined to keep that promise.

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