Chapter 5

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A/N: Um hi again. I'm updating really fast, but I just want to thank everyone who's read this. Thanks a lot!!! And now to the story...

Before I went home, I decided to stop by the little bake shop beside the bookstore, to get Tomoe and Mizuki something. I walked in there, and was hit in the face with a blast of hot air. I saw the shelves of different breads and seasonings, and I was so overwhelmed. I had never been good at cooking, my meals as a child usually consisting of frozen meals or nothing at all, since we didn't have much money once Mom died.
I saw an elderly woman behind the register, and I walked up to her, smiling, breathing in the smell of sweets. My mouth was watering so badly, everything looked delicious. I knew it was getting late and they would start worrying, so I quickly ordered two sweet buns and six cookies, and I felt my stomach growl in anticipation. That coffee really didn't fill me up at all...,I thought to myself.
The woman just smiled before getting my order, and I paid her more than I should've, but I was the only one in there, and she'd gotten them together so quickly. I said goodbye before heading out the door, walking towards the shrine.
I looked in the window's of different shops, smiling at the Christmas lights everywhere and the festivity all around me. Christmas was in a week, and I still didn't get Christmas presents for anyone. I was still contemplating waiting to give the bracelets to Onikiri and Kotetsu until Christmas. I could give them the cookies instead, but the bracelets would be a nice present. I decided to do that instead, I didn't want to run out of money. Now Tomoe's and Mizuki's present's I didn't know about. I was still excited though, tomorrow we were putting lights and decorations up anyway.
I remember Christmas' were always hard when I lived with Dad. He would never be there, and we didn't have enough money to get decorations or presents. I remember being so jealous of the other girls, who got new dolls and technology, while I could barely feed myself.
I was always so positive though, and I guess I still am. Being a mean grouch like Tomoe or that cashier back at the café was never an option for me. I couldn't stand the idea of making someone else feel bad because of me, so I never did. But sometimes it's so hard to be positive. It's hard to be nice to Tomoe after he rejected me, but I love him so much, I couldn't think about being mean to him.
My mind was going crazy as the lights of the shrine were coming into view. I smiled, thinking about going back to it, how cozy it is being there, and I wondered if they started a fire, that would be nice. I felt myself shudder, and I pulled out the mirror in my bag to get a good look at myself. I honestly didn't look very good. My lips were blue, my checks were bright red, and my hair was disheveled from the wind. I groaned at the thought of a nice bath, letting me soak down into the water...
I snapped out of my thoughts as I entered the courtyard and heard yelling from inside the shrine. I rolled my eyes, they always did this when I was gone or wasn't looking. I opened the door to absolute chaos. Everyone stopped in mid-action, looking at me. Tomoe and Mizuki were fighting, hands around each other's throats. Onikiri and Kotetsu were screaming and running around, looking extremely frightened. I was sick of them fighting, I just wanted some peace. Tomoe's hands dropped to his side and he smiled at me, before saying,"I'm glad you're home, Nanami, your dinner was getting cold."
I blushed, was he glad I was home, or was he just saying that? I honestly didn't know anymore.
"Thanks Tomoe, I brought you all something.", I said.
"I hope you don't mean that stupid snake over there, do you?"
"I AM RIGHT HERE YOU KNOW", Mizuki shouted.
"I brought you all something okay.", I said quietly. Tomoe looked at me softly, before nodded and sitting down. He patted the seat beside him, a signal for me to sit down, and I followed that direction, sitting down beside him and looking at the meal before me, my mouth watering once again.
"Okay. I brought you two-," I said, pointing at my two Familiar's, "Sweet buns from that shop I found, and I brought Onikiri and Kotetsu cookies."
"Oh thank you Lady Nanami, you are amazing and so thoughtful!", the two spirits exclaimed, making me smile.
"Thanks you too", I said, happy.
"Thank you, Lady Nanami", Mizuki said, and I said,"It was nothing."
Everyone looked at Tomoe, expecting him to say something, but all he said was,"I'm glad you are back home, Nanami.", making me sad once more.
I don't know why, but I loved the way he said my name. He said it with lots of thought and care, like my name might break in half if he said it too hard. I wish he would say it more, but than again, we can't have everything we want...but I still wished that he loved me, more now than ever.

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