Chapter 21

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The walk home was filled with an uncomfortable silence. I had so much to say, but the words wouldn't come out. I wanted to say sorry, but I wanted him to say it too. I wasn't cut out for being mean, I just...I didn't know what I wanted.
I was walking ahead of Tomoe, who was doing a moapy sort of walk. I had made things worse by my words, again.
"Tomoe, are you mad at me?" I asked cautiously.
"Why would I be mad? I'm confused."
  This surprised me. The knowing, always in control fox I fell in love with was confused.
  "Why are you confused?" I prodded.
  "I don't know."
  I don't know? What was happening?
This was going to come up again, I knew it. I loved Tomoe, but sometimes I wanted to throttle him. This was one of those times.
• • • • • • • • •
"We're back." I called, walking into the shrine.
A barrage of questions greeted me, most of them asking where I was.
"I'm really sorry, my emotions got ahead of me." I apologized.
Mizuki hugged me, a gesture of forgiveness. I heard a low growl from Tomoe, and I hugged the snake back, mostly from spite.
"Dinners ready!" Suiruo called, breaking us out of our stupor.
A festiveness crept into me, I was excited.
"Sorry for making you cook by your self!" I gushed.
"Perfectly okay, besides," Suiruo joked, a playful smile on his face," I got to have a taste test!"
I faked a gasp. Finally, everything was going good.
Dinner ended up being a success. Everyone joked around, save for Tomoe. He was obviously in a bad mood from earlier, but I didn't mind. It would pass.
We all settled in front of the TV, our gifts in hand.
"I'll go first." I suggested. I wanted to get mine over with.
I gave my presents out slowly, cherishing the happy look on my friends faces as they saw their gifts. I had gotten Suiruo that new cologne, Giro a watch, Misuki a bracelet, and the two shrine spirits bracelets to match. Tomoe's gift...I would give later.
I received gifts that put my own to shame, but I was okay with that. It was the thought that counted.
We watched a movie afterward, and I felt myself drawing to Tomoe more and more. Eventually we were close enough, and I felt calmed. This Christmas would be amazing.

OMG IM SO SORRY ITS SHORT AND LATE!!! So much has been happening, and I think I'll update on my own from now on. Thx

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