Chapter 20

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  I heard footsteps, and I quickly put the ring back. I turned to see Tomoe, his head crooked, a smirk gracing his features.
  He did it again. I couldn't move, couldn't breathe. Especially not when he approached me. Definitely not when he pulled me to him. I thought about when we first met, how I found him in that brothel. I pulled away, watching the shock register on Tomoe's face.
  "What's wrong?" The fox asked.
  "Nothing. We should get back." I smiled, but I wasn't fooling anyone.
  "Of course." The conversation was sure to come back up. Tomoe knew how to get me soft, just like I knew how to get him.
  I moved out of his arms and walked back into the kitchen. Giggles erupted from me, the situation was so absurd. Suiruo had pulled his hair up, and it was adorable.
  I heard Tomoe behind me, and his hand pressed into the small of my back, turning me red.
  "Lady Nanami, it's almost five, you should start cooking that chicken you were so excited about." Mizuki suggested.
  "Oh yeah, I forgot about that." I said.
  "I'll do it." Tomoe said, already moving towards the freezer.
  "No it's ok I'll-"
  "I'll do it." He said forcefully. He never spoke like that anymore. I used to shrug his harsh words off, and now they scared me.
  Once he realized what he said, his eyes widened.
  "I'm sorry." He muttered, surprising me.
  Even though he apologized, I felt like crying.
  "I'm gonna go outside." My voice shook as I spoke, and I heard Tomoe calling after me as I ran. I needed to leave, at least for a little while. I grabbed my purse and phone, tears starting to slip down my checks one by one.
  "Nanami, hold on!" Tomoe called out from behind me, but I ignored him. I ran out the door, the tears coming faster. Why was I so emotional? About halfway down the block, I realized I forgot my jacket. Shivering, I sat down on a bench. I took out one of the Talisman's from my bag, and wrote invisible on it.
  They wouldn't find me, no one would. What a great way to start Christmas, you idiot, my mind chided. Always running away from your problems. So stupid. No wonder Tomoe's mad at you.
  I wanted to scream.
I saw people pass me by, not even noticing. I was indeed, invisible. But I wanted to disappear, never to be seen or heard of ever again. Tomoe's words never stung, but today they were spears. Maybe it was because I had gotten used to the sweet nothings murmured in my ears, or the whispers, or the soothing words.
I was a fool. To think that Tomoe was change his attitude for me.
I knew they would be looking for me soon, so I needed to hide myself further. I just wanted to be left alone. I checked the time: 5:10 P.M.
I started walking, the talisman on my forehead blowing in the wind. It was cold, I shivered in my skin. I desperately wanted to be home, wrapped in the warmth of my lover. But I couldn't, because just thinking of the harshness of his words made me want to escape again.
I walked towards that same café that Tomoe and I danced at. I saw the steam on several windows, and I shivered again. My entire body was numb. I quickly took the talisman off, glancing behind me. I stumbled to the restaurant and fumbled with the handle. Hot, frustrated tears fell down my face as I struggled. Eventually, I got the door open, and the bell above me chimed.
"Welcome!" The cashier said, a young brunette girl.
I didn't say anything, I just limped towards the bathroom. My body tingled with the sudden warmth, but I felt so much better. I dried my tears in the restroom, and taking deep breaths, I went to the register.
"Hi." I said sheepishly.
"Hi!" The girl said, a little too enthusiastically. "What can I get you?"
I got my usual, and I dug around in my bag for the money to pay her. I found the credit card I had gotten myself for emergency purposes, and I handed it to her. This was an emergency.
  I knew the fox fires were coming for me soon. They would drag me back, and Tomoe would yell at me. I knew it wasn't going to last. The sweet words, the scattered I love you's. I knew eventually we would go back to the same pattern, but I had pushed it away.
  When he yelled, it shook me. Still did.        
  If he loved me so much, why did he yell? I knew he cared for me, that's why he saved me over and over. I was helpless, just a puny human.
  And yet my heart, my mind, my soul, it breathed Tomoe. I loved him so deeply. And I knew he loved me too.
  I sighed, sipping on my coffee. I wanted to go home and celebrate Christmas, and now I had ruined it. I wanted Tomoe to warm me like he did that day at the store, but he wasn't even here.
  As I was contemplating going home, I saw the fox fires whiz by. I gasped and tried to put the talisman back on, but they had already seen me. The fires started screaming for Tomoe, and hot tears crept up into my eyes.
I stood up, ready to accept my fate. As I grabbed my bag, Tomoe ran to the window. A whirlwind of emotions course through me. Anger, sadness, love.
I watched as he slowly opened the door, walking inside almost casually. When he got closer, I saw...tears. My heart broke, watching the small drops of water fall down his face. He approached me, and my heart started beating hard. Tomoe just looked at me as he crushed me to him. I saw people stare at us, some were taking pictures and such. I could feel his heart pounding, and I had never felt something so good. Eventually, when I got to embarrassed, I grabbed my bag and drink, preparing to face the wind again.
As we walked out, Tomoe took off his scarf, wrapping it around my neck. He gave me his jacket, to which I just muttered thank you. I wasn't ready for conversation, just his fingers entwined with mine was enough.
About halfway home, Tomoe stopped.
"Why did you run away?" He prodded. His words were still harsh, but they had a deep concern behind them, and I could see the tears pooling again. I melted.
"I-you-your voice was harsh, when you told me you would do it," I said, my voice thick. "I guess I got used to you not being your old self. I'll be fine. I just wanna go home." I started walking, hoping my answer was enough. It wasn't.
"Nanami, you got upset because my words were harsh? I don't understand."
"It doesn't matter. I'm sorry for going out, it won't happen again." I was making things worse.
I heard the fox sigh, and his hand slipped from mine, moving to his pocket. Sadness crept up into my head, all because of him.

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